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Torterra's Alola forms/Crossbreed



Remember that alternate forms pokemon meme? remember it was shortly replaces with the crossbreed pokemon meme? well, by the time the meme was hot on the internet I had no computer or scanner, and I had this Idea sitting there, but by the time I recovered my scanner the meme was no longer that relevant. However, thanks to pokemon sun and moon coming soon and thanks to some first gen pokemons having alternative "alola" forms, I think it was time I finally made this thing

I always tought it would be fun to se how different climates will affect a torterra's shell garden, knowing the same plants dont grow in different ecosystems, and maybe by crossing a torterra with different grass pokemon will make them suitable for their respective climates as seen in the picture

The first two are the most tropical ideas I had, one based on a tropical Island like hawaii and the other based on a rainforest or jungle, I know the moai heads are found on an Island too but please just coup with me a little

The third one is a frozen forest, this seemed to fit since off the 5 pokemons with alola forms, 4 are now Ice types, I asume we will be getting an island with snowe mountains and such

The fourth is based on a garden pond, it seems there will be a more asian inspired island, and all I could think about where japanese gardens, and even when we all see ludicolo as a mexican dancing tree, it is designed after lilypads and kappas, the latest being japanese not mexican

and thats pretty much it, I has been wanting to make this for a long time but couldnt find the inspiration to, until now

Hope you like it people.
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DarkPhoenix3465's avatar
I love all the sinnoh starters! These are such creative and lovely ideas!!!