Monochromatic Major ArcanaDarksilvania on DeviantArt

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Monochromatic Major Arcana



A few days ago, after watching some movies and reading some books, I felt the urge to make my own designs for the major arcanas in the Tarot deck, all 22. First I was aiming for something detailed in my style, but then I felt like it would be better if I could keep them simple, so, I made them using only a black marker, playing with lights and shadows and using black plasters, and so, they ended up like this

For some of the designs I used elements of the original cards, like with the Moon, but with many others I changed them and used my own personal vision of the concept, like with the Hanged man, all of them keeping a grim and dark feeling. Also, I used many recurrent symbols to keep them all together, like snakes, skulls and goat skulls as a symbol for demons.

And for all of you who don't know which are the names of the Arcanas, here is a list, you can link them to pictures using the numbers

I-The Magician
II-The High Priestess
III-The Empress
IV-The Emperor
V-The Hierophant
VI-The Lovers
VII-The Chariot
VIII-The Justice
IX-The Hermit
X-The Wheel of Fortune
XI-The Strength
XII-The Hanged Man
XIII-The Death
XIV-The Temperance
XV-The Devil
XVI-The Tower
XVII-The Star
XVIII-The Moon
XIX-The Sun
XX-The Judgement
XXI-The World
O-The Fool

Well, Hope you like them
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800x2800px 288.33 KB
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loyalRelicduster's avatar

I always like coming back to this because of how cool the designs look.