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Maxwell House wedding



Hi guys this is by far the biggest art I have contributed on DA(by the way there is a secret message in the painting can you find what it is?). Sure I did use some vectors and help from mlp pony creator but There was like thousands of different mane style weird wings not to mention the bride family lol I had to invent. (by the way that’s not her mother in the glass It’s her aunt with her father, she is a single child’no bros or sis).Honnestly I didn’t expect so many people wanting to be in it and I feel bad for some because they have small appearance compare to some. Don’t think I neglected you or I have favored some and junk, I just ran out of places Honestly. The Draconiquss in it is not Discord his name is Dechard It’s an OC he basicly look like Discord but have a black beard and the opposite eye colors with an orange horn. Also Pkelton I added you by taking one of your drawn faces I thought you might be a joker changeling that likes to make silly G3 faces to scare ponies lol. If your all interesting knowing who are the guests, I put a link below showing their OC’s with a tiny description on who they are and how they spent the joyful occasion(if you have something you want to add simply wright me a note on how your OC spent the night and I’ll add it I didn’t do them all so if you want to fill in. enjoy :)

Storm [link] : He’s storm once he came to the rescue Of Maxwell House in the Discord Nightmare series. Supposed to be an Alicorn but to Max simple brain he’s just a unicorn using a flight spell. Storm Is very good at making tornado’s and and to the great delight of everyone he tried to show the guests of the wedding his talents.
Zero Wind [link] : not mutch is known about this strange one winged Unicorn. Maxwell just recently met him and thought he could be a nice addition to his many friends.
Dreamy Day: [link] Also known as Day, miss Dreamy is Maxwell House story teller she wrought “the Cursed Dreamer” novels and is still waiting for Maxwell to finish his story arc. She spent most of the wedding congratulating Max and Gio and trying to spread his books reputation.
Sunspot [link] : Being the only black pony lol she had trouble getting a cab luckily she was able to fly and attend to the wedding as Maxwell best mare. She spent the night partying and just playing silly until her big Stallion Fenel joined her. After that Maxwell couldn’t find them anymore.
Xhisrc [link] : A new recent addition to Maxwell friend network That pony have a huge ask account on the pony net with over 500 questions answered. That’s quite a lot! He simply asked Max if he could come and he managed to skeez him in. Once the ceremony was over Max found out Xhisrc had fainted out because of lack of air… feeling a little responsible Max paid his medical bill so he could get better.
Dr Maslyn [link] : The Doc was a very important pony in the life of Maxwell. Since his first debu Maxwell first started to go and see Maslyn for his strange dreams and obsessions. She basicly Made Maxwell what he is doing now (not the wedding) but exploring and adventures. Maslyn tried to fit in with the crowd but many ponies had trouble understanding her science gibberish. She tried Hypnosis on one of the guests and he manage to stay stuck has a chicken for the rest of the evening before finaly snap out of it.
Hero [link] : Hero is supposedly a timelord just like DR whooves Maxwell tried to explain to him that the Doctor had never met him but he kept on saying that it was a future version that he met from his past self trhought a temporal breach that send him back to the 19th dimension wich caused a parallel disfunction wich caused a memory lost on his part…yeeeeeeaaaaahhhh kinda hard to understand but hey he gived a wedding gift at least (a mirror and a letter that says “don’t blink” mmmm wonder what it means…)
Unicra [link] : Being one of the last to arrive Unicra was quite the suprise. Turned out she Unicra is the leader of the Cult of the bloody madness and Alicras younger sister. Although she is a unicorn, she has no magical abilities. She envied her sister for her skills but she would never do something to her.Although she can not use magic, Unicra is still a dangerous opponent. Your skills with the sword is unmatched and it is only surpassed by Dored. As the leader of the Cult of the bloody madness Unicra itself is a maniac. Dored recognized the danger and brought her a technique in which she could control her madness. The only problem is Maxwell didn’t know that when he first invited her and was quite scared when learn the truth. Luckely she was calm during the event and nothing went wrong.
Bubble Splash: Honestly Maxwell didn’t spend many time with bubble splash. She was far to busy to party hard with Pinky and DJ Pony. But when the bell ringed she left out a tiny tear.
Stardust :iconuay778: : that tiny filly asked to be the flower filly during one of Maxwell ask lovestruck and he agreed. She performed her task perfectly and had lots of fun until her mom came to get her back home.
Genesis [link] : Being enthousiastic and very supportive of the wedding Genesis spent hours preparing herself for this event and when all where ready she sparkled, sparlked ,sparkled everyone.
Kas [link] : Supposedly the 3 greatest mage of Dalaran Kas was feeling particularly glum during the event. When Max asked him why, all he said was “pain, lots of pain”.
Cyberpuwn [link] : being good with computer that stallion was able to find amazing games online and a karaoke demo on the computer rental. The wedding was a real success thanks to him.
For the rest of it I think I’ll leave it to you guys I’m getting bored and It’s taking forver I’ll just give credits now.
OC’s participating
I think I got them all If I forget someone please tell me so I can add you but I think I did all of them.
Made with :icongeneralzoi: pony creator
Vector made by :iconsilvervectors:

stained glass vector or base made by
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2887x2992px 3.54 MB
© 2013 - 2024 darkoak213
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boomheart900's avatar
usiku is in the heart!!!!!