darkmoon3636's avatar


Yes you can use my icons offsite
199 Deviations

A few things

2 min read
  • I graduated high school
    • Getting a macbook pro (already ordered and on its way w/free ipod)
      • Fuck yes Obama is the democrat candidate
        • /co/ is love
          • Sorry for not posting more than one emote, lol, distracted by other stuff, but I've been keeping an eye on things around here.
            • Am working on a non-emote related project which might result in less emotes than planned, but that doesn't mean I won't stay involved with the community and make them once in a while.
              • Commissions are open, if you're one of those people that wanted something before and I told you I was done with emotes.
                • I read Watchmen, it was fucking awesome. Right now reading a book rather than comic: Renegade Magic by Robin Hobb

                  That is all for now :D We now return to previously planned broadcasting.

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I'm sure all of you who are emoticonists have taken note already, but livius is currently MIA, which is more or less the saddest thing to happen, ever =< I'm not sure if she's having internet troubles, troubles with life, or just got bored of the site, but in any case I hope she comes back sometime, because she was an awesome person to talk to, and did more for the emoticons category than any other person on this site.

For: Livius by Abfc

I decided I'm going to start to get involved with icons again. It seems like the emote category as a whole is kind of....disconnected as of late. It received a huge boost in popularity for a while, but now it's back to being pretty obscure and filled with things that aren't emoticons. I don't hear as much from the users, but that's my fault, since I haven't made much of an effort lately, however I'd like to change that. I applied for the icons and/or emoticon GD position but I don't think I'll get it due to the number of better candidates who've been involved consistently throughout the years. Regardless, I want to get back to hosting contests, being involved, knowing what's going on with everyone who's active.

A lot of the emoticonists I used to stay in touch with are gone now, so I'd like like to call out all emoticonists and iconists who see this journal to say high, introduce themselves, and post their favorite work of their own. Warning though, I can give harsh critiques, so if you're not up to it just say so and I'll give general pointers. Also, link to your favorite iconists.

It might take me a while yet, but I'm going to start getting back into making icons, whoo!

PS: come visit me and sg in #ohnoes

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Fuh fuh fuh

3 min read
Welp I haven't updated this in a while. I get out of classes in a week and a half :0 because at my school they let anyone who is an IB senior go free a whole month early. However, I have to take several AP/IB exams. I already did the ones for psych and math studies last year, and art half a month ago, which leaves french, english, and bio.


SSBB, as you all know by now either from playing or coming into contact with wii fans and newly converted wii fans, is freaking awesome. However, after playing for a little while the question of wtf game Ness is from got to me stronger than ever before, and I decided to play Earthbound all the way through. Fucking awesome game, it is. I want to play the sequel, and it seems there's some fan translation in the makes so I'll have to keep my eye on that.

Right now, however, I am playing a game I have meant to play for years, but could never find: FFVII :omg: I thought it'd all be ruined because of the amount of spoilers I've picked up through the years, but I'm already gripped into the story. Cloud is a lot more assholish so far than fanart implies.

Of course, this doesn't mean I'm not still playing SSBB, and in fact some friends and I had a mini party for playing hours on end, it was awesome, except me and my friend's boyfriend kept dominating everyone else (which surprised me, since I pretty much suck at anything that isn't turn based).

PS. Bitches don't know 'bout my Obama avatar

Edit: Check this out! Kirby...in stitches by hoodedpeanutpire Is that awesome or what?

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2 min read

Whoo! This school was my top choice, so this is good news. I decided to stay in Florida, because they have really good scholarship offers (pretty much, if you're in IB in highschool they'll pay for your first 4 years of college completely, no competitions or essays or other crap to get it). As far as Florida goes, this is probably the best school (IMO). We don't have any Ivy leagues and I wouldn't be able to afford one even with the scholarship anyways.

For those who are interested:
GPA weighted: 5.30
Unweighted: 4.00
SAT: 1350 (only took it once :X, could've gotten higher)

Future Major: Pre-professional biology (pre-dentistry)
Minor: Business

Anyway, any of you graduating seniors this year?

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My mom is a good cook :]

Today is my 4th dAnniversary. LOVE YA DA.

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HEY by darkmoon3636, journal

General Notice by darkmoon3636, journal

dAnniversary by darkmoon3636, journal


Just to let you know... by darkmoon3636, journal