yeah, after answering questions like "May I plllleaaase use your emotes on my site" and "WHAT PROGRAM DO YOU USE" a couple hundred times I thought it'd be easier to write a journal thoroughly answering common questions I get asked on this site.
if you've been linked here by me, the question you asked is definitely answered in this journal
heheh, zikes helped me get the links to work :]
Answers about emotes in general
A1 When I type a title of an emote deviation the emote doesn't come up. Why?
A2 How do you make an emoticon?
A3 If I want to suggest an emote deviation as a DD, which admin do I ask?
A4 What programs are the best for making emoticons?
Darkmoon-specific answers
B1 can I use your emotes on my site?
B2 ok...can I use your other emotes on my site?
B3 What program do you use to make your emoticons?
B4 Do you take requests?
B5 Do you take commissions?
B6 Will you give me specific help on with making my emote? (and/or help with problems I can't figure out)
B7 Will you give me an in-depth critique on my emote?
B8 Can I make major/minor edits to one of your emotes and enter it, giving you credit as the original artist?
Stuff about the "fabulous" darkmoon that no one cares about, but I'm answering anyways out of boredom. Aka, Miscellaneous
C1 Who are you?
C2 I tried messaging you on the AIM name you posted but the person said they were Sum140. what's up with that?
C3 what's your friend code on Animal Crossing DS?
________________HOKAY LET'S DO IT!__________________
A1 When I type a title of an emote deviation in colons :: the emote doesn't come up. Why?
This is because it hasn't been added to the official emoticon legend. The only way an emote works on the main site is by being added to the legend by an admin (at this point, it would be rocksicle), though you can use emotes in dAmn by using the thumbnail.
A2 How do you make an emoticon?
There are several ways, but mostly it just involves making a small circle with eyes and saving it as a gif. Oh? You want yours to look professional? Then I suggest you look at one of the several emote tutorials people have made on this site. Here's a list of a few (if you know of any others I can add to this list please link to it in a comment!)
- Mine is

- by camelhijackation



A3 If I want to suggest an emote deviation as a DD, which admin do I ask?
That would be our very own icon gallery director, rocksicle. He seems to like emotes with great pixel art, short animations that stick to the point, and innovative ideas.
A4 What programs are the best for making emoticons?
Any program that can make a gif animation will work fine. Programs like MX fireworks, jasc animation shop, and other ones of that type are crowd favourites. Personally, I'd stick to a program designed specifically for .gifs, (ruling out ones like Fireworks) MY favorite is Ulead Gif Animator 5. You can download a 15 trial of the program here.
B1 can I use your emotes on my site?
Yes, you can use the general emote pack I made for free use:

Please read the guidlines on the description or in the readme file before using :]
B2 ok...can I use your other emotes on my site?
Gah, I have never once been able to turn down someone who asks to use my emotes D: You guys just ask too politely, it'd be mean to say no.
Ok, if you want to add them to the site (so they come up when you type codes) it must be either a personal site, a non-commerical forum, and not be promoting racism/sexism/other-bad-isms. ALSO, you MUST link to the site/forum in THIS JOURNAL. This is just to help me keep track of things

Now, if you want to use the emote in a forum post in a non-dA site, in a IM, or anywhere else where it's not actually integrated into the site, go ahead, don't bother with links or any of that.
B3 What program do you use to make your emoticons?
All of them are made using Ulead Gif Animator 5. You can download a 15 trial of the program here. The program is nice for emotes because it only has basic tools for pixel art, and I've just been using it forever and don't have the need for something with fancier effects. I think it works fantastic, some people agree, some people don't like it because of the way it's set up.
B4 Do you take requests?
Sigh...Yes, but there's a very small chance I'll use them. In last year I only made 3 or 4 emotes that were requested. Why? Not because there's anything wrong with your idea, but just because I don't think it'll go well with my personal style. I'm very picky about what I do, which is why some of my emotes surround such strange ideas, like shadow puppets, jumping into boxes, picking flowers, etc. When I think of the idea, even if it's not an original one, it makes the emote >mine<. When I take requests I usually don't end up liking the emote for whatever reason, it's probably some subconscience ego thing.
So with that being said, ask away :]
B5 Do you take comissions?
Yup! I've only had a few people ask this, but if you do, I'll most likely make what you want, for a price.
(3/4/06 -edit with more specific info)
Prices for emotes as follows:
will be discussed (in other words, can't decide right now)
emotes less than 25 frames
$5 for the first, then $3 for each additional emote
Emotes 25-70 frames
$10 for the first, $5 for each additional
emotes 71 or more frames
$20 for the first $8 for each additional
Mixed frame amounts:
The "first" price (the 5, 10, 25) applies to the emote with the highest number of frames, then others cost the additional price according to their complexity. Example, one 71+ framed emote ($20) and five 10 framed ($3 times 5) would cost $35
B6 Will you give me specific help on with making my emote? (and/or help with problems I can't figure out)
Sure! Ask here, in AIM (my real name is supernork36), or in a note. Even in dAmn, if you can catch me in there.
B7 Will you give me an in-depth critique on my emote?
B8 Can I make major/minor edits to one of your emotes and enter it, giving you credit as the original artist?
NO. NO. NO. My emotes are mine, and the absolute worst thing you can do is edit it, because you're making part of it yours. I've never liked sharing, especially when it comes to art. The only way there will be my art and yours combined is if we're doing a pre-arranged collaboration. No asking to edit one of my existing emotes in any way, even if you're making it better.
MISCELLENEOUS (that's spelt wrong)
C1 Who are you?
I'm Emily, who's 16, and goes to highschool, and isn't very interesting. Like a lot of people who go online a lot tend to find out, the more introverted you are, the better you "get" the internet and all it's glory. Well, I understand it pretty effing well, if that speaks about how I am offline. I suppose I have some of those cliche goth characteristics of liking to be alone, sit in the corner, but loves attention at the same time. Most of this attention is attained by doing well in school, so I'm pretty bitchy to everyone who tries talking to me while I'm doing work (or sleeping in class. I count that as work though).
My interests are my religion (Christianity), dA (lawlz), reading fantasy (suggest some titles

C2 I tried messaging you on the AIM name you posted but the person said they were Sum140. what's up with that?
HAHA. That's because my good friend sieiw thought it'd be funny to IM prank me, and I thought it wasn't very funny at all. Well, she failed at freaking me out, but pissed me off slightly, so I thought it'd be funny to have people IM her that are looking for someone else.
That and, you people are fricking annoying. People I don't know start asking me "wuts up" when I'm trying to write long essays on interesting topics such as the multiple causation of the French Revolution. I try to avoid instant messengers as much as possible as it is, please only IM me if I actually talk to you a lot on this site and "know" you somewhat, or if you need help with something (you'll find my sn in the answer about asking for help, B6)
C3 What's your friend code on Animal Crossing DS?
YA RLY, that game is fun. I usually play when I get home from school, 3-4pm Eastern time.
Friend code: 3393-6471-4007
Town: Egypt
Name: Dove