General Notice

1 min read

Deviation Actions

darkmoon3636's avatar
To whom it may concern:

Yes, you may use my icons on-site (obviously) and off-site (but please link back to my profile). You can edit my icons if you really want to, but I kinda dislike it for personal reasons. If you do this, linking back to my profile as a form of credit is a requirement. If you see a deviation using my work without credit, please just ask them to do so.

The only think I am explicitly against is directly profiting from them (I've yet to see someone attempt this, and I'm not sure how anyone would, but it seems like something to forbid just in case) or straight up entering something of mine as your own (no edits). Other than that, go nuts, just give credit where it's due.

Thank you to everyone who visits my page, I hope you enjoy my icons, even if I haven't entered anything in a long while (my interests have kinda shifted over the years).

© 2009 - 2024 darkmoon3636
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Thank you! Adding a link back to your site for credit (just a little forum, no profit)