DarkmatterNova on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/darkmatternova/art/A-alien-a-cowgirl-and-a-shepherd-walk-into-a-bar-783968230DarkmatterNova

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A alien, a cowgirl and a shepherd walk into a bar



This is a little idea I’ve had for a while, in my weird human toy story/ BLOSC cross over, other than these three being the best of friends, it’s more of mira and bo helping Jessie out with the sherif station when ever woody goes on a mission with buzz in space. But also I’m pretty sure Jessie and bo are down to help Mira out in space too 👍.

I know it’s shepherdess, but it wouldn’t fit in the title 🤦‍♀️

Toy story/ BLOSC (C) Disney.pixar
Art belongs to me :icondarkmatternova:
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1712x2201px 457.75 KB
© 2019 - 2024 DarkmatterNova
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Kelloth's avatar

OMG this is so gorgeus, all of them look fantastic!!!