They Wrote... What? - By TheSunsetDarkflame-wolf on DeviantArt

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They Wrote... What? - By TheSunset



Coming back into the world was a bonafide shock to Llydia. Things had progressed far beyond anything she had ever imagined. One thing she found most shocking was that somehow, many of her life's exploits were documented down in children's books... of all things! She decided to read up on what people thought about her and her past life and was none too impressed with the lavish embellishments they added to each of her adventures. She would definitely need to have a chat with the author some time about all of these slanderous writings.

Art Done by: TheSunset - FurAffinity Account:…
Image size
1600x824px 1.68 MB
© 2023 - 2025 Darkflame-wolf
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gunlu's avatar

i love this kind of work , i think it s awesome. the use of colors in the illustration as well as the finish you give it are incredible , you can see your quality to generate works as impressive as this one