Darkflame-wolf on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/darkflame-wolf/art/Legend-of-Ahya-As-above-so-Below-Front-Cover-909813431Darkflame-wolf

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Legend of Ahya: As above, so Below Front Cover



Legend of Ahya: As above, so Below is a very dense book with a bunch of plot threads and multiple character groups to keep track of, however at the heart of the entire piece is the relationship between Taylor and an old friend, Nina - a swan. They were once in a band together back when Taylor was a teenager and reuniting with her sparks of a series of events that takes us through the heart of the city and into its deep underbelly. I gave the artist free reign to design a cover that encapsulated all that book 2 was, and she felt the friendship between these two girls was what stood out to her as being the most important. So she designed a quiet moment between them on the subway - a moment that happens early in the book. Fun sidequest: Can you find the hidden Ruolina signature in the image?

Art Done by: Ruolina - FurAffinity Account: www.furaffinity.net/user/ruoli…
Image size
1500x2266px 2.66 MB
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