Hello !! I'm Darkenya from Athens , Greece and i really enjoy making my favourite characters into cosplays !
I love games ,animes, games , metal/power metal/classic rock/drum&bass music ,games (xD) and love to spend my time creating and improving my cosplays ^-^
I hope you enjoy my pictures and feel free to tell me your opinion , good or bad :D
I will soon make more cosplays so keep tuned! Btw i have to thank all those who support me everyday in my interests and decisions and give me the strength to continue my work and hobbys :D they are all amazing people .
It's a fact that , cosplayers keep the hard work and viewers enjoy the sight !
You can "like" me here
www.facebook.com/DarkenyaCospl…and friend me here
www.facebook.com/darkenya.adam… ~Darkenya <3