A digusting attempt to ruin our creative freedom!

2 min read

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DarkClone's avatar
Hey guys...

You might have read journals or links to information about the new legislation that is going to approved in America. This bill is quite literally, fucking with our freedom as creative individuals.

What this new bill is meant to do is create opportunities for the public to legally use our creative works for their own use in whatever and whichever way the want to use. Because it legally allows 'orphaned' works to be re-distributed in any way they see fit.

What they mean by orphaned works is basically creative works, which means anything from sketches to final works, that have not been registered by you.. and under this new legislation, your creative works are now legally able to be abused and re-distributed.

The current law states that as soon as something you create is born unto reality, it's protected and the copyrights belong to you, the author.

There's an extensive amount of information about this on the net. Most are simply there repeating the same thing but here are a few links I've found.

On dA:

(dA's own new article)

(It has external links, check it out for more info)

External Links:

(An audio file of an interview, for those who rather listen than read)

(A petition to stop this nonsensical legislation!!)

(An extensive resource page for links to articles about this f-ed up issue)

This is really upsetting for people like me who depend our creative works to feed us financially and must not be allowed! Your support is appreciated immensely!


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kewpuss's avatar
Shite.. That's so..... Fucked up. (for lack of better words to use)