wow, thank you for your kind words and cheering up. Yeah, I am pretty tough to myself, but otherwise I just would linger around the whole day and get to nowhere... And I am not really afraid of showing my art. It is more like, I don't want to rub everyones nose in it. I am just an unpresumptuous person. But thank you anyway! I will consider your advice. We will see, how far I can fly.
I have a question considering the the number of Pokemon we now are allowed to have:
The journal says we are now allowed to have 4 Pokemon, but as Rogue we were already allowed to have an additional forth Pokemon. Does this now make 5 for Rogues?
(the question already arose in the journal, but was not answered)
I feel a bit sorry for you. Makes my desertion even more awful. But I am sure we will live in one great free country holding hands all together! So hold on. ;D