DarkBlueArt's avatar


27 Watchers75 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Dec 13
  • Germany
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (39)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio
I guess, i am just an average guy. Everything i do seems to be average.

But i try hard. I will get better. Someday, somehow...

Current Residence: Liqua -Borca
Favourite style of art: Traditional and vector art
Personal Quote: Erm,... soo... damn...

Favourite Movies
many, i really love Wall-E, Ghost in the shell, Sunshine, Inception, 127 Hours
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Muse, Coldplay, RHCP
Favourite Games
Degenesis, Blizzard game titles
Hi there! Okay guys. It is time for some serious business. This year I want to make a few steps forward into professional drawing and painting. That is my goal set for this year. I even made some achievements in the last months. Rakshazar – Role-play. The first book with drawings of mine was printed in May and presented at the RPG 2012 in Cologne, and is now buyable. For real money! I am so glad and proud, that this happened. And that people like my art. The people from Rakshazar are really cool guys with lots of ideas and passion, putting faith in me, and I thank them a lot for this. I will surely do additional art for this project
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0 min read
Hi there, i really enjoyed viewing this movie a couple of days ago. Some friends and I got free cards for a movie preview. Because of the trailer, i expected much, and everything and even more was delivered. This movie is really great, feels smooth and slick at the beginning and get more and more raw to the end. I really like it, and right now i am enjoying the great soundtrack. So i also looked up, if and how the movie inspired artists here at dA, and i found some great art. So start your engines, lean back and enjoy the drive! ;D :thumb262965124: by !JoshuaCovey (https://www.deviantart.com/joshuacovey) :thumb262469729: by :iconahlmkim02: :thumb275165259: by :iconcyberlink2
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2012 arrived

0 min read
Dear readers, welcome in the year 2012! It was a long way, but now you are here, in the future of yesterday. I hope you all get over very well, and do not feel sick and tired after partying. It think the past year was a good one. I took drawing courses, which helped me developing. The number of my submissions went up as well as the numbers of pageviewers and watchers. Thank you very much! :D I think the only artistic dark spot was the summer, with me falling into a hole of unimaginativeness and demotivation. But i pulled myself out of misery. I really looking forward this year for some things. First, the roleplay-project i am drawing for
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Profile Comments 71

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Hi! Do you take request?
thank you very much for the fave :-D your gallery is amazing!!
Thanks for faving my work -Cheers!
Thank you for the favourite!^^
thanks for the fav,im glad you like it.
you already seem like a very tallented artist dude nothing average about it.
the important part of any art is to have fun and although i do aplode you detemenation towards your art skills,dont allow it to complety run your life...everything in its own time (dilly lama)
Hi there,

and thank you very much for the kind words!
Sometimes I just feel so old and my art so bad, I often demotivate myself.
So I often have to pull myself out of the mud, which can be hard, too.
Kind words and advice really helps a lot with that! ;D

so long
hey dude i know its been along time sice i replyed but i was in the middle of moving and did not have the time.you said you dident want to join a club just for reconision well i hate to say it but you kinda have to a little...being an artist is also having the coruge to display your art,and im not saying you afraid but it is a good way of letting people see it that usualy wouldent so consider it,you might find it will help you.every one feels that way from time to time about their art but what you have to remember is your art is really good and you are simply to hard on yourself,its about the fun anyway but i do realis that it does come a time where you have to ascess your skill level and work.if you want critisisim well i think you are being to tough on yourself and by doing so you are preventing yourself from improving your art,let it come naturaly and you will see.until then remember that you are an awesome artist if not a little timid.take care man and remember my words.