dark-spider on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dark-spider/art/Ex-Machina-170681875dark-spider

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

July 18, 2010
The suggester said: Ex Machina by *dark-spider is amazingly captivating, the artists use of color and attention to detail along with the complicated pose and conveyed emotion makes this a beautiful deviation.
Featured by Norke
Suggested by 1Walkingblind
dark-spider's avatar

Ex Machina



I wanted to work in steampunk genre for a long time, it's something that I always liked (even before I knew it's name :aww:) but for one or another reason couldnt't work on it the way I wanted to. For my artbook Forgotten 3 there was a steampunk story that couldn't make it on time due to the deadline, but it will be included on Forgotten 4 :).

You can expect more artworks of this genre in the future :). Done in Photoshop, lot of hours.


Artwork (c) Cris Ortega

EDIT: Thanks a lot to =1Walkingblind for suggest this artwork as DD and to ^Norke for feature it :).
Image size
580x810px 429.15 KB
© 2010 - 2024 dark-spider
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Hey there would you mind If I shared your work on my TikTok author account? (Giving credit of course) My book is steampunk fantasy and your work is 👌👌