dark-spider on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dark-spider/art/At-the-threshold-of-oblivion-160267236dark-spider

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At the threshold of oblivion



I'm back after several weeks of hard work :). My third artbook, Forgotten 3, is already finished and ready to be published in a few weeks. It will be published first in Spanish, and other languages will follow. I will keep you updated about it :aww:

About this image, it was done back in 2008 for the artbook Forgotten 2: The Portal of Destiny along with more than 40 images. It belongs to the story "Letters in the darkness", a tale about voodoo, haunted paintings and isolated victorian mansions in New Orleans. It was also featured as the cover of the book.

Two weeks of hard work in Photoshop :).

Forgotten 2 is available for sale in english [link] , german [link] and spanish [link] , and other languages are on the way.

--- VIDEO PROMOTIONAL OF FORGOTTEN --- Now available a video showing several of the artworks from the book series. Check it out to see more artwoks like this one.

Artwork (c) Cris Ortega / Norma Editorial, S. A.
Image size
900x644px 420.49 KB
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