Stand up against youDark-Crescent-Moon on DeviantArt

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Stand up against you



This here is Grievous-fangirl’s other OC for her Rango fanfiction. His name is Cullen and he is Belinda’s brother. He’s a patternless Western Diamondback Rattlesnake.
He has yellow eyes and like both Jake and Belinda he has a gatling gun but of a different make. It isn’t as long as Belinda’s or Jake’s but it’s deadly all the same. it is modeled after a 1876 gatling.

Unlike Belinda or even Jake, he has no honor. Cullen is cold, cruel, selfish, greedy sadistic, merciless, threatening, dishonest, and arrogant. All in all he’s not a good person. He did something to Belinda back before she even met Jake and became a gunslinger.

This here is right after he did the horrible thing to Belinda. She wants revenge on him for doing something that he shouldn't had done, but he knocks her out and the die is set for her to become a gunslinger.

Belinda & Cullen [c] Grievous-fangirl
Art work {me}
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4816x2304px 2.28 MB
MP250 series
© 2011 - 2025 Dark-Crescent-Moon
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NocturnaNight973's avatar
je trouve que même si elle a l'honneur, Jake est exactement comme Cullen.