I got your backDark-Crescent-Moon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dark-crescent-moon/art/I-got-your-back-211450985Dark-Crescent-Moon

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Dark-Crescent-Moon's avatar

I got your back



This here is a Rango OC of Grievous-fangirl’s that I did for her. This here is a husband and wife partners in crime team. I’m not going to give out any more only that when the fic is finally written it will be worth reading.

Species - Western Diamondback Rattlesnake

Name- Belinda

Sex - Female

Colors - brown

Eye Color

Clothes – she has the same type of belts that Jake has wrapped around her body carrying her ammunition, and her hat is white, flat-brimmed like Jake's, but the top looks that the common cowboy hat

Weapon- a gatling gun like Jake’s

A side note. Excuse the color change on Jake. I’m trying to get him closer to his movie colors, which I have been told is a sandy brown and tan.

Rattlesnake Jake [c] Nickelodeon Movies, Paramount Pictures, GK Films
Belinda [c] Grievous-fangirl
Art work {me}
Image size
3616x2384px 1.54 MB
MP250 series
© 2011 - 2025 Dark-Crescent-Moon
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Alliori's avatar
Could you tell meh what the fanfic was called? Thank You Birthday Sign