Breakdance Omega 2Dark-Ax on DeviantArt

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Breakdance Omega 2



What's this? New stuff? I'm afraid I cannot do that, Dave.

I recently stumbled upon that ol' piece of trash while cleaning my gallery, and decided that our fearsome Omega could have a little better treatment.
Moreover, I was dying to draw again... and boy I had almost forgotten how to draw a line using MSPaint.

Well... nothing much to say : it was a case of "let's make this shit happen". I didn't care much for the palette, but looks like I managed to go with about 15 colours.

So here we are, a little more than 4 years after the first version, here a new version of the God of Destruction having a nice time. Enjoy!

PS : a big thanks to :iconcaptain-x: , who helped me a lot for the lighting :)
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274x257px 5.11 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Dark-Ax
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