Lost My Focus - Wide Editiondark-alone-ism on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/dark-alone-ism/art/Lost-My-Focus-Wide-Edition-434538488dark-alone-ism

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dark-alone-ism's avatar

Lost My Focus - Wide Edition



Normally I'd upload different resolutions on MiniTokyo only however naturally of course, this isn't one of their excepted sizes. Figures.
I have 2 ASUS monitors set at a resolution of 3840 x 1080. You can actually see the tree's textures in this size opposed to the previously posted one.
1920x1080 here: fav.me/d76nxwg

KeepWaiting - fav.me/d146jge
Hawksmont - www.hawksmont.com
DanLuVisiArt - fav.me/d1ytm3r

Anime: Noragami
Character: Yato

Vector is here: fav.me/d76nwpn

Please remember to not use this wallpaper for other graphics. This includes for signatures or avatars/icons.
Do Not Steal it, nor claim it as yours.
Do Not Re-post.
Yes posting it on facebook is re-sharing!
Image size
3840x1080px 2.04 MB
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