darenw on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/darenw/art/Sparkly-Bowling-Balls-texture-experiment-595707523darenw

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Sparkly Bowling Balls (texture experiment)



Experiment in texturing with Cycles in Blender.   Inspired by looking at paint on classic cars at the Friday night car show in Escondido, and toying around with some textures described on the Blender Artists forum.  Yeah, the modeling is a bit crude around the finger holes.  This is only a texture demo.  Cycles nodes used include Voronoi at a tiny scale, gamma set to a large value, a shader which switches between a diffuse BSDF and a specular (Beckmann Glossy) and a Fresnel function diminishing the sparkle effect as the surfaces curve away from the line of sight.
Image size
1920x1080px 2.55 MB
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