Bat Luck [130/365]DaphneNg on DeviantArt

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Bat Luck [130/365]



My mum found him in our garden. Newborn, can't even open his eyes. She nearly stepped on him, if he hadn't been making these tiny weak batscreeching noises. He's the most adorable thing ever! We fed him goat's milk and he started clinging on to things and he dangled upside down, he now lives with us in a shoebox until he's old / well enough to fly away. We still don't quite know what to with him though. [link] [link] [link]

UPDATE: I've been receiving a lot of helpful comments / advice on taking care of bats, or not at all, but a few things: 1) after a few odd comments I realised it's a FLYING FOX, (ALSO A TYPE OF BAT) oh technicalities 2) Where I live, bats / flying foxes dropping in our garden isn't a common occurrence, we don't have local wild animal rescue centers, I don't even think we have an official one in the country, but I'm trying to look through this confusing website I just found. 3) We would seek professional help if there was one to seek, we're still looking. 4) I AM NOT BY ANY MEANS A PROFESSIONAL AT HANDLING BATS / FLYING FOXES, given that this is currently on the front page, PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW WHAT I AM DOING IF YOU FOUND A WILD ANIMAL TOO, I MAY BE HANDLING THIS WRONG, do your research or seek professional help!

UPDATE 2.0: Comments disabled for now because I have had enough recurring advice / help / unhelpful. I appreciate all advice but I don't want to explain what I can or cannot do in each individual reply.
Image size
1024x683px 103.28 KB
Canon EOS 450D
Shutter Speed
1/83 second
Focal Length
50 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
May 10, 2013, 10:54:44 AM
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© 2013 - 2025 DaphneNg
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