Hello, you may call me Dante. |D
Currently I am a graduated Animation student doing OJT for a local animation studio, and I hope to improve my craft as I go along with life.
Pretty chill person if you get to know me, but I do get a little hyper and crazy when I get excited about things. |D
I absolutely love gaming and hope to get into the gaming art industry one day.
This account has been with me since I was 13, so you will find pretty bad stuff way early into my gallery. I keep them all here since I almost grew up with deviantArt so it's great to go back and see where I came from. However, since this is a more personal account, I will be less likely to use this as a professional one and broadcast it around.
Commissions are still open! fav.me/dagxkyl Click the link to find out more!
Any artwork or journal posted around 2011 and years prior were done by a 12-17 year old weaboo version of myself. Please don't take any of my artists comments seriously because there's a good chance my opinions from yesteryear no longer stand.