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[unregistered broadcast inbound]

secret edit:  Ashy demanded i upload with the original intended music.

Music By Yanntek
well, finally, a proper formal reintroduction of the main antagonist of the Syron story.  For those of you unfamiliar, this is Kaius Grey, Syron's pyromaniac of a father, and owner of the beta strain of the Hylex crystal mutation, which allows him to conduct and manipulate the energy wavelengths responsible for thermal radiation and heat.

This project took alot longer than I initially planned, but I had an idea for it for a while (since march? I dunno.).  This was also me really pushing my limits on my still painting quality, and I can honestly say I haven't crossed into this level of detail before, and I'm pretty proud of how I did.  This is a combination of frame-by-frame animation and silhouette work, flash scripting, and aftereffects work all in one (seriously theres probably 80 lines of code  controlling the functions in this, and couple that with more voice acting from me.  Think of it as the counterpart to Metamorphosis which you received earlier this year.  I'll provide a slightly more detailed look at Kaius steamgloves and design work when I upload the still image later on, including the concept drawings which I worked on long before actually starting his painted design.  Honestly, the reason this particular animation took so long was me taking an old character of mine, redesigning it with my current influences in mind (and not sonic ones, gah) and rendering it to the best of my abilities.

So how'd I do?

Also, alot of this was inspired by cold-war American nuclear-age themes and Fallout inspiration.  It was intended to be done in that manner as Kaius represents a more dangerous yet slightly older and unrefined technology in comparison to Syron, who is more controlled and streamlined, yet not as volatile. Was an unusual twist for me, but overall, this project pushed some major boundaries for me and kicked all sorts of a$$ in the process.

Thanks for your patience with me this year, (i know I'm slow to upload, but now you know why)
you can view the full quality still here:

All art an animation © me
character, Kaius Grey (the fox) © me
Music by Yanntek

Coloring in Firealpaca
Photoshop CS3
Adobe Aftereffecs CS6
Flash CS6
Image size
700x466px 18.52 MB
© 2014 - 2024 DanSyron
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roxannewolf99's avatar

this is amazing i love everything about this amazing job