This Chick Is TOASTDanSchoening on DeviantArt

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This Chick Is TOAST



Dr. Peter Venkman: "Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown. THROW IT!"

It's become a "traditionaldanimation" (har har har) to do a Ghostbusters picture every year now for All Hallows Eve! Here's this years image for your ghoulish viewing pleasure. I've taken some liberties with the film of course, but that's why creating art is cool, as you can make it how ever you want. This print is being offered as a prize in the Sketch Tavern's Hallowe'en Movie Madness Contest as well. The entries aren't due til Friday at midnight, so you still have time to spook up a picture! Sign up here: [link]

Happy Hallowe'en :pumpkin:

Dapper Dan
Image size
1217x450px 337.62 KB
© 2006 - 2025 DanSchoening
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Let's show this prehistoric b---- how we do things downtown! throw it!