dannyst on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dannyst/art/Stranger-3-213349684dannyst

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Stranger 3



He's a street busker in Orchard Road. From the time I started shooting in this street 3 years ago until now, I almost always see him doing his stuff. He was my first good street photograph [link] - the first one that didn't look like an ordinary snapshot - the one where I thought to myself "Hey, I can do this thing."

Doing this portraits project, I couldn't pass the opportunity to take his picture once again. Amongst all the portraits of strangers I've taken, he was the only one I allowed to give up those pearly whites. Could you have resisted this smile?

Now, whenever I pass by him, I always give $2 as a sign of gratitude for being my first good street shot. And whenever he sees me coming a mile away, he would always wave at me, smiling. One time, he even noticed that I lost weight :)
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1024x680px 588 KB
© 2011 - 2024 dannyst
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frostbite2308's avatar
I love seeing photos like this. It really draws out that saying "A Picture paints a thousand words" I see pure happiness on this mans face.
I absolutely love your work and the stories that go behind each one. Keep it up!