DebbieDannyNicholas on DeviantArt

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DannyNicholas's avatar




In memory of Debbie Reynolds.

What an terrific actress and singer. She was kinetic & infectiously joyful in all her performances.

An overlooked aspect of Debbie’s life was that she fought for Film Preservation. While movie studios were passively trashing ironic movie props & costumes away, Debbie was always willing to save them & honor the piece’s legacy. Debbie was an dedicated collector, and I found that to be incredibly endearing.

Personally, my favorite film of Debbie Reynolds was “Charlotte’s Web.” She played the title character “Charlotte” the spider who saved “Wilbur the pig” from becoming a slice of ham & bacon. Debbie’s voice give the character a warmth & a motherly love that has, and will, continue to comfort children for countless generations.

The painting was done on 11" X 15" watercolor paper / graphite / acrylic paint / Prismacolor color Pencils. 
Image size
744x930px 271.78 KB
Date Taken
Jan 3, 2017, 9:24:49 AM
© 2017 - 2025 DannyNicholas
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