Danni-Stone on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/danni-stone/art/Can-I-Bear-Your-Children-31165613Danni-Stone

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Can I Bear Your Children?



This is my entry (and just in time O_O) for :iconthattime:'s March contest "A Family Moment". It can be a real or made up family moment and of course I decided on a fake one. The girl fondling Sesshy's behind is Miroku and Sango's daughter xD This was the first idea that came to mind when I thought of a family moment and so I went right with it. I actually finished drawing this at the beginning of the month, but I'm lazy so I filled in the base colors mid-month and of course didn't finish the shadows and detailing till the last minute ^^; Anyhow, if you really like it and wouldn't mind send a vote my way when it's posted for the contest ^_~b If you don't that's okay too, no pressure.... much.... haha ;p Oh and if you hadn't guessed, that's Rin in the bottom corner. I can easily see her falling in love with Sesshy and bein' really freakin' pissed that some chick is copin' a feel on her man! haha

I'm not sure how long this took me altogether, but it took at least 7+ hours to draw and ink. I think it took about 2-3 to color. But I'm still not sure. I drew it in pencil inked with microns and colored in photoshoppe! :p Hope you like it! ^_^b

Edit 5/3/06: I came in first in the contest! OMG :XD: I'm so happy! If you're reading this and voted for me THANK YOU SO MUCH! And hey, even if you didn't but still went and voted or even looked thank you as well! ^_^b It was fun finally participating in the club more than just voting (and not cuz I won ;p ). I will be entering the current contest theme "Movie Spoofs" so keep an eye out! ^_~b Take care all!
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800x1031px 656.35 KB
© 2006 - 2024 Danni-Stone
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DragonSanctuaryRune's avatar

wait the girl that is with Inuyasha bro, is Miroku and Sango's daughter??