What The..? -  MARVEL 01 VENOMDanLuVisiArt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/danluvisiart/art/What-The-MARVEL-01-VENOM-51265251DanLuVisiArt

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What The..? - MARVEL 01 VENOM


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Ok so after Wizard Con, and talking to *diablo2003 I was thinknig, if I go to Comic Con, I really need to knock the socks off of these Marvel editors if I want to paint covers for them. So im going to do 6 covers, and so far I already have two. I've done this one, which took a day, and im about 35% done with my next one, Iron Man.

The Captain America, Wolverine, HULK, (still thinking about my 6th)

Anyways, enjoy Venom and Spiderman, I know theres a ton of those fans here :) This is for you guys.

PS. Add textures, and i admit, it does look better on spidey :) thanks!
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800x1335px 338.18 KB
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