My Brush PackDanLuVisiArt on DeviantArt

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May 15, 2011
My Brush Pack by `adonihsSuggesters Words: This set of brushes is simply amazing. I had the chance to use them on a self portrait and I was very pleased with the results. I believe these should be shared with the rest of the dA community.
Featured by shelldevil
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DanLuVisiArt's avatar

My Brush Pack

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So these are really the only brushes I use, period. I barely, ever, use custom weird funky brushes unless its for design purpose. I find this collection achieves exactly what I want, and haven't searched elsewhere. It's like my Holy Grail so I figured all of you digi painters could use them as well!

Now you might be like "Why such a small list?" I don't mean this in an arrogant way , but I can really achieve any feeling I want with these brushes, just get used to them, play with it and it'll work out! They did for me.

I have a run down below on what each brush is used for in a painting:


Standard Brush: This is what I use to drop my basic colors when quickly slapping down what I want. I seldom use it for actual detailing, but if I need to block in thick patches I'll use this brush.

Detailing Painting Brush: My favorite brush next to the fur brush. This one is simply used to get those nooks and crannies. If I were to use the brush above for 25% of the painting, this would be the other 75%.

Lighting Brush You know all those lens flares, over bright lights, shiny glowing areas I do? This is the brush. Use it softly and you'll achieve a nice bloom in your lighting.

Detailing Lighting Brush For tinier spots, harder lighting areas.

Texture Brush: I use this brush mostly for pores, dabbles on the skin, bumpy surfaces, or just to give texture to skin in general. Works like a charm.

Hair Brush/Smudge Brush Pretty Self Explanatory. Do I start off painting hair with this brush? No, I use the Standard Painting Brush then I go over it with this brush to create the strands/etc. As for the smudging, this is my ideal color mixer when I need to blend tones, acts like a bristle brush and merges all those nice colors together to create a creamy feel.

Chalk Brush: I use this for clouds sometimes, smoke, or just patching in colors. Works better than I can explain.

Hard Ink Brush: This I use rarely, but when I do use it, it really helps. Usually for adding glare, or tight highlights on certian objects to make them pop. Like the girls earring.

Texture Brush # 2 : This one I use a lot to get nice pores, that sweaty look or just overall skin texture.

Cloud Brush #1-3: Used to paint clouds, nuff' said.

Abrams Lighting Brush: I love this brush. In my "INSIDE THE BEAST" image, all those lighting effects you guys talked about were used with this brush.

Speckle Brush: Used for skin again, or to dirty something up.

Debris Brush: Need to create dirt flying? Tiny bumps on a sexy leg? This is it sucka.

Fur Brush: UNF! My favorite brush. I use this for skin, fur, cloth, metal, sparks, debris, glass, anything. It's a hard shell to crack, but once you's a GREAT brush.

Pore Brush: Literally my 489474th brush used for skin/pores.

Glass Brush: Used to create shattered glass, papers flying, etc.

Have fun!!

Also, all I ask is if you download them, I don't expect any credit. But at least fav the pack, so they can be seen by more users.

Thank you.
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