DanLuVisiArt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/danluvisiart/art/LMS-LIMITED-EDITION-DA-ONLY-159058465DanLuVisiArt

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April 3, 2010
LMS LIMITED EDITION DA ONLY - - An ambition project started two years ago, `adonihs has finally reached his goal of completing his first book of the series, LMS: Last Man Standing. Come and learn about the first book Killbook of a Bounty Hunter and it's hero, the invincible Paladin, Gabriel.
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First off, THANK YOU to Deviantart. This is what I'm talking about, the community. Without your support and help, this book wouldn't be half of what it is now. I dedicate this to you. It's possible guys, any of you can become someone and create something as long as you have the perseverance.

This offer will only be present on DA! Thank you, thank you! <3

SO HERE SHE IS! 2 and a half years later, the final cover for the LIMITED EDITION of LMS: KILLBOOK OF A BOUNTY HUNTER the first in my graphic novel series!


LMS (Last Man Standing) tells the story of Gabriel (the guy above), the last living Paladin soldier. Genetically engineered, he is a warrior of supernatural strength, anointed as the guardian of Amerika and its people. Admired and celebrated by most, Gabe’s world takes a sudden turn when he finds himself framed by the terrorist group Pandemonium, for a series of atrocious crimes he had no part in. For these alleged crimes, Gabriel is sent to the treacherous Level-9 Prison Facility and incarcerated with the very scum he helped put away. After nine years of torture and agony, the once famed hero kills his captors and escapes the 9 levels of hell he has been condemned to. From here on forward, Gabriel embarks on a journey into the heart of darkness; the New Amerika, a world filled with colorful and deadly characters that will either help or try to eliminate him – neither of which attitude is always transparent. As the once invincible hero digs deep to unravel the true reason behind his framing, he also discovers a problem he never had to face before: He's dying; and quickly.

LMS: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter is your first glimpse into the LMS graphic novel series. It is a character bible and prologue book that introduces you to Gabriel, the hero of our story, as he personally unravels to his audience the intricacies of his world, set in a time-transcending and parallel universe that is inhabited by a roster of colorful and deadly characters. Join Gabriel in his quest for revenge and the journey he will embark on by traveling through more than 200 pages of history, character art, bios, and other forms of pleasure and pain.



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fazal786's avatar
This is legendary.