Copy and paste these 20 questions about being an artist... and answer them honestly! Title your journal "Honest Artist Challenge".
A genre or style I've tried and decided isn't for me: Digital painting. I dabbled with it in high school and college, but I just don't have the bandwidth to learn, and I don't want to be mediocre at it.
A common art advice I find hard to follow: Don't take criticism personally
My biggest art-related fear: Creating something that ends up being a huge waste of my time.
A project I've been putting off: I've always wanted to create a simple video game, but just don't have the time
A subject I feel like I'll never master: People & anatomy
On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate my skills as an artist as a: 6
A subject or theme I avoid in my art: I've thought about this a lot, and I don't think there's any subjects or themes I actively avoid.
The most challenging project I've ever worked on and why: Dododex. It's consumed my life, and from a design perspective, it's