My name is Daniela Bullová. I had many nicknames. But call me Dani. I am from Slovakia. I live in Malá Bytča(village) behind the town Bytča in The Žilina Region.
I had studied 5 years in Elementary Art School, 4 years Fashion design on High School and 4 years I finish Art course.
Like a little child I was creative with story in my fantasy world. I started draw comics strip in 17 age.
My previous deviant username was Daniera now I called myself Danitheangeldevil.
One think I am really shy person. My facebook page, my skype username dani.bul .
*My Slovak manga Artist *
Commission they're always open.
Po kofole som vždy s kofolovaná.
Personal Quote:Choď za tým čo ťa baví, nechoď za tým čo sa ti nepáči hľadaj to vo svojom vnútri srdca a nedívaj sa na ostatných čo majú, lebo ty máš niečo čo oni nie.
Current Residence: Slovakia, Malá Bytča
Favourite style of art: Disney style, comics & anime/manga style
MP3 player of choice: my mobile phone
Favourite cartoon character: ehm... sexy evil guys or good guys X3333333
Personal Quote: Nazdar!
Another quote: Like fashion designer I always failed in drawing of fashion design but like artist of comics and Fanarts I never failed.
Your favourite Slovak Artist who draw everything!
Because I don't have other media, where you can support me. So here you can donate me the points to support me with my arts or you can donate on my ko-fi site.
and on
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You're welcome.
Thank you so much for the fave
You're welcome.
Many thanks for faving.
You're welcome.