Byako Gift for ryuuen
by danio13In a snowy night, in the middle of Byako City, barely any noise could be heard...except for somewhere near the Bakery Ninja School, a fox-like plusie could be seen (if anyone else would be there) running stealthy and quietly, holding a big sack behind him.Grinch: Hehe..At long last, I've gotten all the gifts in this stinkin' city. If only I could see the look on their faces when they found their precious gifts missing. Hehehehe! Those poor sapsAs he was chuckling to himself, proud of what he has done, he didn't noticed the person he bumped in front of him.Grinch: Gah!..What the?!...Grinch noticed that his pa...
The Lucky Bridesmaid
by danio13Priest: (to bride) Do you take this man to be your beloved husband?Bride: (happily) I doPriest: (to groom) And do you take this woman to be your beloved wife?Groom: (happily) I do.Priest: Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.The two newly-wed did kiss, a symbol that pronounced their eternal love for each other.A gloomy friend of the groom looks at the scene with sadness and a bit of jealousy. He had never been as fortunate as his now married friend. He always seem to be alone.Bobby: (sad sigh) I don't even know why I agreed to come. It only make me ...
Enter Noireta
by danio13Galixia was now flying to the town of Nightlight, as she was hoping to attend the anniversary firework festival that celebrated the town's foundation.Galixia: I can't believe that it's been that long since Nightlight Town has been made. The last time I saw fireworks in there was with....Galixia paused and frown for a moment.Over 100 years, Nightlight Town (or at least a field close to the town) was the place that Galixia found the star orb that soon "hatched" into Noireta. Galixia made it her duty to take her in and care for Noireta. It didn't take long for them to become best friends...and sisters..They seemed inse...
Character Name: Galixia
Actual Age : 100 ( Appearance Age: 22)
Gender: Female
Birthday: January 1st
Species: Star nymph
Height: 5'1 ft. (chibi form- 6in)
Weight: 125lb (chibi form- almost weightless) Appearance :
She has long bright red hair decorated with glittering star ornaments. She wear a white sundress with a red wavy stripe at the bottom of the dress. She has fair skin and usually goes barefooted. When she flies, she has large slightly curvy wings that, when spread out, are shaped a lot like a star. History :
Galixia, like other star nymphs, was born from her star orb made by her home star (which happens to be red). Ever since, she ...
Name: Galixia (Gali for short)Age: 22 years in human years (actual years-about 100)Gender: FemaleBirthday: January 1st (year of birth unknown)Species: Star NymphHeight: 5'1 ft (chibi form- 6in)Weight: 125lb (chibi form- almost weightless)Likes: granting wishes, seeing the smiles of people, having crimes justified, chocolate chip ice cream with rainbow sprinkles, making friends, having funDislikes: Jerks, being cheated or tricked, wanton violence, complete darknessPersonality:
Friendly and generous, always glad to help, never known to be upset (of course know one ALIVE have seen her upset), would neverHistory:
Galixia, like other star nymph...
Audition StoryGalixia sat on a building, mopping and watching the people passing by. It has been a week since Noireta attempted to kill her. Gali has never gotten over the fact that her best and first friend, who she treated like a sister, has now turned evil. She looked at her bracelet and wondered if she should visit them anymore, in hopes that she could maybe protect the from the danger she was obviously in.Galixia then thought if she was even worthy of friends. If Noireta was right and she really didn't care for anyone. She questioned if her friends truly cared for her or if they just like her for their free wishes.As she was in her th...
My Original Character ListGalixia
Age: 23(in human years)
Gender: Female
Birthday: January 1st (year of birth unknown)
Species: Star Nymph
Likes: granting wishes, seeing the smiles of people, having crimes justified, chocolate chip ice cream with rainbow sprinkles, making friends, having fun
Dislikes: Jerks, being cheated or tricked, wanton violence, complete darkness
Personality: friendly and generous, always glad to help, never known to be upset (of course know one ALIVE have seen her upset)
Short Profile: Born from a red star, she travels to many worlds and dimensions, granting wishes along the way to those she see fit.
Fact about Her: ...
I know I don't come in here often and I don't post things like I used to...but should I continue TG Attack?..I've seen no comments or response form the teaser...I don't see if I should go on and do it if no one will bother to read it. SO anyone still there or subscribe to me, some response would be nice...
Sorry but I just had to share this with someone.
The complete ravings of a madwoman: that can help deal with this or should i just ignore... Ugh...