Inks #0035 harleydanimation2001 on DeviantArt

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Inks #0035 harley



I want people to suggest me to draw anything that they would want me to draw. If the character is well known enough and something that I would want to draw a picture of, I will draw it for practice.

I have no problems doing cheesecake pieces but I do have limits on what I am willing to do. So please do keep that in mind.

This piece is an 11 by 17 inked drawing of the Harley Quinn in mid costume change giving a noted look over her shoulder. Should anyone want to purchase it. Please send me a DA note or email me at

This one I will be selling  for 40 dollars. If shipping in the USA the shipping fee is 5 dollars. 10 dollars for shipping overseas. Also note that Paypal has a 4.9333333% fee that also needs to be included in this.

Thanks in advance for anyone suggesting me to draw something. I look forward to your submissions.

Also I'm available for color commission work for anyone wanting me to color a piece of artwork of theirs. So if you're interested please do send me a note or an email at

Commission pricing
color commission samples
IRONnMAIDEN COLORS by danimation2001 O-Chara colors by danimation2001 Invincible movie poster colors by danimation2001
Image size
3300x5100px 3.39 MB
© 2017 - 2025 danimation2001
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