Cathedral of Lightdanielwachter on DeviantArt

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danielwachter's avatar

Cathedral of Light



Wanted to do more stuff with architecture in it. Enjoy your stay. :D

Painted with SAI
Comments & Critique is much appreciated.
Image size
3840x2160px 6.49 MB
© 2013 - 2025 danielwachter
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blessedout's avatar

I just can’t seem to get enough of a good light render in pieces like these! You did a fantastic job of showing the light streaming from the clouds, the way it reflects off the rocks, and the yellower light shining from the cathedral.

I also really dig the look of this cathedral. Architecture isn’t my strong suit, for sure - although I know I’m going to have to learn how to do it better if I want to be a half-decent artist! For that reason, I’m always excited and blown away by the art skills of others. I can’t find anything I don’t like in the cathedral itself, and your attention to detail is spectacular.   If I could offer one suggestion: this piece is rather yellow-saturated, which isn’t bad in and of itself, but I feel that the yellow on the grass and the rocks (the ones on the left side) take away a bit of the impact from the other yellows (the light) that should be the focus. I think that, maybe, if you rendered the grass a bit greener and the rocks a bit more gray or brown, it would allow the light to pop a bit more rather than sort of blending with the rest of the piece.

That said, I do also like how you rendered the rocks’ texture in this piece. You captured their craggy appearance very well, and the grass looks as if it’s ready to blow in the breeze. (The detail of the men walking to the cathedral is a very nice touch too.)  Thank you for creating this lovely piece!

This critique brought to you by The Jolly Old Roger, Merry Critmas!