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Daily Deviation

June 15, 2012
Clean/Bold/Stunning interface with well use of space and color pastel. Typography in logo and heading used cleverly, which easily attract the user's attention an keen interest also. Personal portfolio by *DanielMckendry
Featured by princepal
DanielMckendry's avatar

Personal portfolio



The home page of the newest version of my Personal portfolio,
still a bit of work on it to do and the responsive versions.
And still have to finish my logo.

Any Feedback much appreciated.


Fonts used:
Kreon Light and Regular
Droid Sans Regular and Bold
Both can be found on google fonts

EDIT: Can't believe i've managed
to get over 10,000 views for this,
Thanks all for the views and faves :)
Image size
1400x2030px 1.19 MB
© 2012 - 2025 DanielMckendry
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DaJyDesigns's avatar
:star::star::star::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Impact

The overall aesthetics is nice but there are some things you can do to look even better.

-You can work on view all button.. is not proper aligned there and to simple .. maybe aligned to the right is better.

-The main menu text i think is to slim, maybe a little bigger and stronger.
-More attention for the spacing when making containers for example the orange mouse over with the brush... the space used at left and at the right is not the same with the top and bottom.. At the top you have just 10 px use 20-30 px, maybe make the slider a little higher. The same at the blog & twitter module.. 10 pixel is not enough use 20-25px..

-The inputs if i were you i would make them bigger in height, maybe 40px.
-The send it button text a little biger and stronger.. it`s an action.. you must DO it you must have a strong bold button... not a shy one <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt=":)" title=":) (Smile)"/>.

I`m not sure about the 4 circles in each corner.. its to symmetric.. I would keep the logo and align it with the orange mouse over (the one with the brush), maybe keep the right email button to or(the functionality is the same as the contact button) you can put a search there or a phone number or something.. At the footer the same, the circles are not aligned with the content, maybe a text logo at the left and some social icons at right are more proper.

Last but not least i would find some nice pictures to put there and the outcome i think it would be a little bit cleaner.

There are some other changes that i would do if i were you but these are the major ones.