Of Mice And MaresDaniel-SG on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/daniel-sg/art/Of-Mice-And-Mares-467631622Daniel-SG

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Of Mice And Mares



>>>UPDATE: I want to say I am so very glad this was posted on Equestria Daily! It's the header comic actually, yay! :iconhappywoonaplz: www.equestriadaily.com/2014/07…

Also, thank you all for the feedback, I am so glad people like this! :heart:

Well, this is a bit of a shift in tone from my usual cute comics! :noes: Normally my comics contain silly and happy ponies, like this one. :iconapplejackisplzedplz: I must admit, I am nervous uploading this, because I am unsure what the feedback I will get will be. I hope it's positive, I spent a good amount of work here, lol! :love:

Well, I have been in a bit of a dark place emotionally the past couple of days, and in my depression, I came up with this idea. :idea: And so I sketched it, and inked it, and colored it. And it was nearly done by the time I started feeling better, so I figured I would just finish it up and upload it. :shrug:

This is probably my darkest comic I have made, if only because it is a parody of Of Mice And Men, which is a very dark and sad book. I haven't read the book, but I have seen the film version. Considering how many schools require it to be read (though mine didn't) I don't think I need to explain the plot. If you don't know it, eh, just Google it real quick or something. ;)

Applejack's words in the first panel are lifted pretty much from George's last words to Lennie, lol. ;p I think this is funny in a dark way, namely for the silly last panel. :giggle: I plan to hopefully do another, more traditional cute comic this week too. So look out for that. :)

That's all I can think of to type, lol, sorry I ramble. Anyway, hope you all get a laugh out of this! Sometimes something kinda dark and disturbing is funny once in a while. Be back to cuteness next time. Stay tuned, friends! :heart:

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Art by :icondanielsplatter:
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This scene hits different after the actual movie