Maud Pie Reviews: Rainbow RocksDaniel-SG on DeviantArt

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Maud Pie Reviews: Rainbow Rocks



UPDATE: First off, this was on Equestria Daily's comic posting last night! Yay! :squee: It's the header!…

And second, this has a comic dub! Double yay!  By :iconwubcakeva: Check it out fillies!… Be sure to watch to the end for a surprise! It was awesome lol. XD

:iconmaudpieplz::iconsays3plz:Final rating; 1 rock out of 10. 

Silly comic I made for laughs. I haven't seen Rainbow Rocks yet sadly. Sometime soon I hope! Maybe if it's on Netflix. :) 

I obviously love Maud haha. :heart: She's awesome. And I had the idea of her being like a snobby film critic, not easily impressed. The lack of rainbow colored rocks in the film is disappointing. ;p And I thought it was kind of funny to have her face zoom in like that, for dramatic effect. =p

The spider crawling on her face is actually a reference to The Cable Guy film. When Jim Carrey calls Matthew Brodreick in the middle of the night and is being creepy, a spider crawls on his face, and I thought that was hilarious. A bit dark but hilarious. So I incorporated it here I guess. ;)

There will be two uploads this week, the next will be later on in the week. :nod: So until then, I hope you guys get a laugh out of this silly dumb comic. Hope you enjoy friends! :wave:

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