Day 30_Polly Esterdanee313 on DeviantArt

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Day 30_Polly Ester



Day 30

Polly Ester from Samurai Pizza Cats. (She stole Guido's parasol!)
Yet another underrated cartoon from the 90's. That show was hilarious :XD:

Polly ©Samurai Pizza Cats/ Tatsunoko Pro

*30 day challenge journal: [link]
*Gallery folder: [link]

Just want to thank everyone who watch or followed along with me on this so called "30 day challenge" that was really stretched out over uh, 4 months! :slow: lol! As crazy as I was to take this on, I actually enjoyed it and thought it was really fun. I encourage everyone try it out. It doesn't necessarily have to be 30 days. One thing for sure If your going through an dreaded art block, this challenge will definitely smash it. :)

:peace: & :heart:
Image size
841x783px 329.36 KB
© 2011 - 2025 danee313
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RazgrizBlaze's avatar
I like what you've done with this...very nice style.