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647 Watchers237 Deviations

Crystal Corazon - Chapter 22 by DaneBainbridge, literature

Crystal Corazon - Chapter 18 by DaneBainbridge, literature

Crystal Corazon - Chapter 16 by DaneBainbridge, literature

Crystal Corazon - Chapter 12 by DaneBainbridge, literature

Crystal Corazon - Chapter 9 by DaneBainbridge, literature

Crystal Corazon - Chapter 6 by DaneBainbridge, literature

Crystal Corazon - Chapter 4 by DaneBainbridge, literature

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Crystal Corazon - Chapter 22 by DaneBainbridge, literature

Crystal Corazon - Chapter 18 by DaneBainbridge, literature

Crystal Corazon - Chapter 16 by DaneBainbridge, literature

Crystal Corazon - Chapter 12 by DaneBainbridge, literature

Crystal Corazon - Chapter 6 by DaneBainbridge, literature

Crystal Corazon - Chapter 4 by DaneBainbridge, literature

Artist // Hobbyist // Literature
Brush Lover: Early DeviantArt muro brush adopter
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (611)
My Bio

Short Stories, long stories, commentaries and general silliness.

Favourite Visual Artist
Coop "Spa Fon"
Favourite Movies
2001: A Space Odyessy
Favourite TV Shows
Breaking Bad, The Wire, Justified, Walking Dead
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Foster the People, Black Keys, PJ Harvey
Favourite Books
History of Civilization, Most anything by Joseph Conrad
Favourite Writers
Will and Ariel Durant
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
platform for chickens
Tools of the Trade
Pen and paper
Other Interests
Writing, coffee, current events
You probably haven't been tracking this like I have. But I have almost hit the 100,000 page view mark. And I will manage to do it in less than 6 years. Not too shabby! Thank you for all of your support and of course all of those page views. The other milestone isn't nearly as exciting. Next month I will turn the big 5-0. Yeah, I know, pretty scary. Believe me, last week it felt I was only 20. Time creeps up on you fast. But I am happy. I am in a good place. I have a great job and a great wife and I live in a great place in a great city. Life is very good right now. I am looking forward to finishing up my certificate program in Electronic L...
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I hope you have had the chance to listen to one, several or all of the Podcast of Doom podcasts, because I think we have had an excellent start. If not, you can access it on Itunes by going here: https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-podcast-of-doom/id731295128?mt=2   Or, you can go directly to the website and listen to each episode here: https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://www.thepodcastofdoom.com/ Our first episode was the Great Peshtigo Fire. In 1871, a forest fire hit the small lumber and wood factory town of Peshtigo, Wisconsin. It happened following a summer of extreme drough...
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HOORAY! I am very happy to announce my new project: THE PODCAST OF DOOM. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-podcast-of-doom/id731295128?mt=2 You can get more information about the podcast at my website: thepodcastofdoom.com   And, when you get there, you can find a dazzling picture of me. To those of you who have known me for a while, thank you all for all of your patience. To those of you who just found me, thank you for your interest. If you enjoy bad things happening to good people and bad things happening to bad people, then you are really going to enjoy this podcast. The Podcast of Doom is a special project I have been working ...
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Profile Comments 255

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Thank you for liking the image I uploaded:
Just Playing With AI - 02

I would be so glad if you would give a chance to my stories, too.

Thank you for triggering my motivation to write 215 chapters of stories.

Wow! That is a great accomplishment!

Indeed! Until I read you stories on the Cast Site Stories website many years ago, I couldn't image that cast, para and amputee stories could be like this, written so sophisticatedly, with such fine humour, and following an excellent storyline.

Thank you for the watch! It's so good to meet readers, who like my stories.

Which one is your favourite story? And why?

Please, feel free to discover my stories and give me comments and critiques to help me to be a better writer.

Thank you very much. I had a great day!