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Lisia: Last time on the Ridiculous Race, the players had arrived in the mysterious and lovely land of Termina, with four different directions to go into to free the four giants that live in this land, wager on dogs at Romani Ranch's dog track, and answer a Keaton's trivia questions, which Tails had no relations to. Sadly, he and Sonic were the last to arrive to the Astral Observatory, but not before getting one last goodbye to Lucina who was thankful to have Sonic as a friend and the two were sure to see each other again someday. Oh, and the Mess Makers won. Forgot about that.
End recap
Lisia: And now, we have 11 teams remaining. Which one of them will go down next? Who knows? I'm Lisia, and it's time to get ready for more of...the Ridiculous Race! (winks)
Episode 30: Shake A Leg
"Here we are, once again, at the Astral Observatory of Clock Town in Termina where yesterday's winners, the Mess Makers, are getting ready for the first tip of the day," said Lisia.
The Inklings were so excited to get ready for the next leg. Lucina was still down about Sonic being eliminated.
"I still can't believe that Sonic's gone, dad. We had so much in common," said Lucina.
"Well, I wouldn't say that. But you two definitely had something special," said Chrom. "And don't forget, now we have a new target in mind."
"And we have to do our best," said Lucina.
"So, Luigi, now that we got this far, are you ready to go all the way?" Mario asked.
"I sure hope so. We can't give up now," said Luigi.
"This is where the competition heats up even hotter than my Shoryuken," said Ken.
"Then we'll just have to make sure that we get a good distance from last place," said Takamaru.
"Hey! What's the hold up back there?" Archie asked.
"Keep your shirt on, pal!" said Orange.
She pressed the button on the Lissi Box and it read,
"Peak into the observatory's telescope, and you'll be going to the Shake Dimension,"
Shake Dimension
"The Shake Dimension is a dimension that is kinda like ours, only things really tend to shake up a lot there. And I mean a lot. There are rare treasures, rare species of enemies, and little pixie creatures that are not seen outside our world ruled by a just queen...who Wario ditched in favor of their treasure. And this telescope will lead them to it," Lisia announced.
She looked into it and was pulled in herself.
"A magic telescope?" Blue asked.
The Mess Makers looked in and were pulled in. One by one throughout the rankings of yesterday's leg, the teams were pulled into the telescope to some new dimension.
Commentary: Old Schoolers
Mr. Game & Watch: We took one look in that telescope, and the next thing we knew, it was like seeing through a warp pipe style kaleidoscope.
ROB: The probability of actually happening in real life are -60%.
End commentary
The teams all soon found themselves out of their dimension and into that of the Shake Dimension.
"Whoa...check out the place," said Mario.
"It's like our world...but with lots of treasure," said Luigi.
"But I don't see the Lissi Box anywhere in this place," said Diddy.
"I think it might be over there," said Lip.
They rushed over to it and picked up the tip.
"Okay, tippy, what have you got for us today?" Duck asked.
"It's an Either/Or. Chests or Change?" Dog read.
Lots of treasure chests were inside a giant pyramid and there was a room full of keys. There were also a few sacks of coins and a couple of golden enemies.
"In this either/or, the players options are to either open a treasure chest of their choosing as we hid a tip in each and everyone of them or shake up a bunch of bags of coins until they have obtained at least 50,000 of them. They can even shake golden enemies to get a ton of gold coins and up to their total much faster. To unlock the chests, they need the keys that make a rattling sound when shaken. Find the key or get coins, and your tip will be received from the chests or sacks that lie in wait," Lisia explained.
"We're going with Chests," said Mario.
"Chests," said Lucina.
"Chests," said Blue.
"Coins," said Ken.
"Coins," said Rosalina.
Hunter and Hunted
Knight Family
Unlikely Duo
Mario Bros
Mess Makers
Primate Pals
Karate Partners
Japan Exclusives
Old Schoolers
Mother and Child
They all ran up to the different keys and bags and started shaking just about everything they can.
"Money money money!" said DK.
"If Wario were here, he'd so say that," said Diddy.
Commentary: Primate Pals
DK: With my heavy muscles and Diddy's agility, we'll have those bags spewing out change in no time.
End commentary
There were a couple of golden enemies walking about.
"Hey! There's a golden one we can shake!" said Isaac.
He used his Lift Psynergy and then had it shake up a lot of the golden enemies for tons of coins.
"Wow! We're gonna be at our total in no time!" said mia.
"This is easier done than said," said Isaac.
In the pyramid, the others were trying to listen for a rattle.
"No," said Luigi.
"That's not it," said Orange.
"Don't hear anything," said Archie.
"Uh-uh," said Dog.
"Way off," said Chrom.
Then, Lucina and Duck heard some.
"Eureka! Found one!" said Duck.
"Let's go!" said Dog.
Just then, a Crobat came by and took Lucina's key.
"Hey!" said Lucina.
It was Maxie's Crobat, nonetheless.
"We'll be taking that off your hands," said Maxie.
"That's not fair! I had it first!" said Lucina.
"You forget, we're doing all we can to win," said Archie.
"I hope you get penalized for this!" said Lucina.
Duck and Archie opened up the chests. They got a Dragon Whisker and a Pink Diamond. And their tip.
"Here it is," said Archie. "It's a Botch Or Watch. Sub-Zero."
Out by the sea there were eleven subs.
"In this Botch or Watch, the teammate who was Mushroomized and needed their mushroom removed from them in Eagleland must dig for some treasure below the Creep Blue Sea and make it out without their sub getting totaled. I don't think I will say what happens if it gets totaled," Lisia explained.
Maxie couldn't believe what he say.
"Wait a minute! I'm gonna have to do this one?!" Maxie complained.
"Hey, I'd do it, but I don't want us to get penalized again after what happened when you took over the Landmaster in Corneria," said Archie.
Maxie was just absolutely distraught about this.
"Fine. I mean, we did have to steal a sub from the Oceanic Museum's scientist in order to get to Groudon's resting place anyway," said Maxie.
"I've never been in a sub before," said Duck.
But he knew what he had to do.
Meanwhile, Isaac and Mia got their coins in and were given the sack with their tip.
"We got it right here!" said Mia.
They got their tip and saw what was gonna happen.
"Looks like this is all me," said Isaac.
"Good luck in there," said Mia.
Maxie could relate to how Isaac was gonna be in the sub. Meanwhile, Lucina was looking for another key.
"Here's another one!" said Chrom.
"Good. We really need to catch up to those big cheaters," said Lucina.
They opened up the chest and got Santa's Sleigh and their tip. Chrom was gonna be in charge of this one.
"Got one!" said Luigi.
They opened up the chest and received Nine Winks and their tip.
"Brother, have you ever driven a sub before?" Mario asked.
"First time for everything," said Luigi.
The Mess Makers got their key and opened up a chest with a Star Hammer in it.
"Here's our treasure and tip," said Blue.
"Cool! I'm gonna drive a submarine!" said Orange.
The other teams cashed in all their coins.
"That took a bit longer than we thought," said Lip.
"But at least we're done with this part," said Ryu.
They got their tip and saw who was gonna be doing it.
Sub Divers
Diddy Kong
Mr. Game & Watch
Inkling Girl (Orange)
"And so, the subs have taken a dive. Who's gonna be diving into deep trouble and who will dive to some riches? Find out when we return to...the Ridiculous Race!" said Lisia.
Commercials; continue
The subs were diving down deep.
"The submarines are already making their way through the Creep Blue Sea and nothing but little sea creatures seem to be getting in their way," Lisia announced.
"Uh-oh. Better use the heavy artillery," said G&W.
He fired torpedoes right at the sea creatures and shooed them off. Diddy saw some treasure and picked up some Blue Coral.
"This looks like something unlike any other," said Diddy.
"I got a pearl!" said Lip.
Maxie saw he was falling behind and decided to shoot at some of the subs. But he made it look like an accident.
"Whoops!" he said.
The torpedo fired and almost hit them.
"What was that?" Lip asked.
"I think I might know," said Isaac.
"Sorry. Finger slipped," Maxie fibbed.
Commentary: Unlikely Duo
Maxie: Of course, it's a lie they may not buy. But I can't make it look intentional, can I?
End commentary
Luigi was feeling a bit nervous and saw the boss at the end of the area. It looked like a giant mech that was firing all sorts of enemy subs and torpedoes with spiked platforms.
"This doesn't look good," he said.
There were also air jets that fired at the subs and brought them close to the spikes.
"Come on! Don't go down like this!" said Isaac.
He tried to get up, but his sub got embedded by the spikes below and it totaled his team's sub.
"Aim for the open hatches!" said Ken.
"Roger," said Ryu.
They fired away and blasted at the core and the mech was down.
"We made it," said Lip.
Isaac's sub seemed to be the only one that got badly damaged.
Commentary: Adepts
Isaac: Remember what Lisia said about what she doesn't even want to mention if the sub got totaled?
Mia: We may find out soon enough.
End commentary
Everyone got their treasure out of the Creep Blue Sea and set it down.
"So, did you all enjoy your little expedition in the wild blue?" Lisia asked.
"It was...something we'll never forget," said Lip.
"Definitely something I'll remember," said Orange.
"Now that you have your treasure, there's just one last thing you gotta do," said Lisia.
They pressed the button on the Lissi Box and got their tip.
"All-In: Merfle Marathon," said Mario.
Many Merfles were caged up.
"These little pixie creatures known as Merfles are all caged up and you have to shake up the cages until they can burst free. And then, they will give you the signal you can go when you free them. Then you must use the Max Fastosity Dasherator to make your way to the end of the course at our Safety Zone. The last team to arrive may be cut from the race," Lisia explained.
"Let's get shaking!" said DK.
They all grabbed a cage and started shaking like crazy.
"Come on, you! Break open!" said Ken.
"A little harder," said Ryu.
They gave it as big a shake as they could give it and then broke it free. The Merfle gave the thumbsup.
"You can go!" he said.
"Great!" said Ken.
They rushed over to the Daserator and hopped right in. Then they came bursting out with insane speed.
"WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS?!" Ken shouted.
Commentary: Karate Partners
Ken: Take the idea of running on hot sand barefoot while being chased by a pack of rabid dogs. That's how fast we were running.
End commentary
Donkey Kong and Diddy were the next to break it open.
"All done!" said the Merfle.
"Good! Let's shake a leg!" said DK.
"Was that a pun for this episode?" Diddy wondered.
"Maybe," said DK.
The other teams got their cages to burst open.
"You're all ready!" said the Merfles.
"Let's get a move on now!" said Maxie.
"Move it move it move it!" said Orange.
Lucina looked at the Dasherator and sighed.
"It reminds me so much of Sonic," she said.
"Forget about that and hop in!" said Chrom.
He pulled her in and they took off dashing.
The Karate Partners were making a ton of jumps and turns that were hard to make out at first but they eventually got the hang of. Then they ducked right underneath a narrow passage and found themselves coming to a screeching halt right onto the carpet.
"Karate Partners! Congratulations! You're in the lead!" Lisia announced.
"Thank you," said Ryu.
"About time we won again," said Ken.
Just then, the Adepts came rushing in and coming to a stop.
"Adepts, I have good news and bad news," said Lisia.
"Here it comes," said Isaac.
"The good news is you're in 2nd place. The bad news is it won't be that way for long because you wrecked your sub in the Creep Blue Sea, so I have to give you a 10 minute penalty," said Lisia.
"Oh, man," said Isaac.
"With all the other teams rushing here, it could pretty much be over," said Mia.
The others were indeed rushing there as fast as they could. Donkey Kong and Diddy swung across some vines while Maxie and Archie were pulling a rickshaw for a Peek-A-Boom at Mount Bighill. Lucina and Chrom slipped on the ice at Slipshod Slopes.
"HOW DO YOU HIT THE BREAKS?!" Lucina cried.
Mario and Luigi were coming up to a really long chasm at Mt. Lava Lava, not the one from Lavalava Island when Mario was freeing the Star Spirits, and had to jump over there. Of course, with Luigi being the better jumper, he barely made it while Mario was holding onto his life.
"Luigi!" Mario cried.
"Bro?" Luigi asked.
He turned and saw it.
"BRO!" he panicked.
He came to a screeching halt and went back for his brother.
"No way am I letting you go!" said Luigi.
He pulled Mario back up before the lava could get them.
"Thanks, Luigi. I didn't think you'd leave without me," said Mario.
"Of course not, Mario. You're my brother. Family is more important than anything else," said Luigi.
"Well, we can still make it if we hurry," said Mario.
Of course, they had quite a narrow passage they could have breezed through if they could just still dash.
"This could take a while," said Mario.
Commentary: Mario Bros
Mario: The sacrifice Luigi made could cost us, but I am still thankful for his rescue.
Luigi: Nothing's gonna tear us apart.
End commentary
Duck Hunt arrived in 2nd after going through Just Plains.
"Duck Hunt: 2nd place," said Lisia.
"Great!" they cheered.
The other teams were still making their way, but the Adepts still had 3 minutes on their penalty left. The Inklings arrived after going through Bad Manor. Maxie and Archie just passed It's All Mine and arrived.
"Inklings: 3rd. Maxie and Archie: 4th," said Lisia.
5th Place: Knight Family
6th Place: Japan Exclusives
7th Place: Old Schoolers
8th Place: Primate Pals
Only a minute remained. Just then, Rosalina and Luma had just gotten out of Glittertown and made it to the carpet just in time for 9th place.
"9th Place: Mother and Child," said Lisia.
"Oh, that is a relief," said ROsalina.
"Come on, Luigi! We're almost there!" said Mario.
They squeezed through the tight narrow gap.
"Here come the Mario Bros..." said Mia.
It looked like it could be it for the Adepts.
"And only 10 seconds left," said Isaac.
"It's coming close..." said Lisia.
Just as the Mario Bros were close to making it before the penalty was over, they had a run in with a few Pitchforks that came charging at them, forcing them to jump over them.
"And Adepts, your penalty is over!" said Lisia.
The Adepts got onto the carpet and reached 10th Place. The Mario Bros barely missed it.
"No..." said Luigi.
"Mario and Luigi, the Mario Bros who have been the best known characters of all time by Nintendo, I am sorry to say this. But you are the last to arrive. You are...out of the race..." Lisia lamented.
"Oh, bro! I'm sorry I wasted our time to slow us down," said Luigi.
"No, Luigi. I need to work on my jumping a little more. Let this be a learning experience," said Mario.
"If you say so," said Luigi.
"Do not worry, Mario and Luigi. Surely, Luma and I can have a chance of winning this," said Rosalina.
"Are you sure?" Luigi asked.
"We can do it!" said Luma.
"And it could be either me or Mia as well," said Isaac.
"You just head on home and we'll take care of the rest," said DK.
"You can depend on us," said Diddy.
"Alright. Luigi, we're going home," said Luigi.
They were ready to head on off for home.
"And so, we have narrowed it down to 10 teams: the Karate Partners, Japan Exclusives, Mother and Child, Primate Pals, Knight Family, Old Schoolers, Hunter and Hunted, Mess Makers, Adepts, and Unlikely Duo! Which one of them will start off at the bottom of the top 10? Find out next time on...the Ridiculous Race!" Lisia signed off.
Mario and Luigi's Highlights
Mario: So ends our little journey throughout this big race. It was the furthest we got together, and maybe in the future, we could go all the way.
Luigi: Of course, today is not our day. But that doesn't mean that our day won't come.
Mario: We hit a few snags, but we're gonna take that into account for another day and prepare for anything in future reality shows.
Luigi: That's right! Next time, the Mario Bros are gonna shine brighter than any star in the sky!
Mario: You can count on that, brother!
End highlights
They stepped right into the gateway that would take them back to their dimension and the Mushroom Kingdom.
"So, what's next on our to-do list?" Luigi asked.
"Didn't I tell you already? We've been called in to be contestants on the newest season of-" Mario was about to answer. But the gateway's door closed behind them before he could say what show it was gonna be. For the viewers, it was a mystery.
Fade out
Lisia: Last time on the Ridiculous Race, the players had arrived in the mysterious and lovely land of Termina, with four different directions to go into to free the four giants that live in this land, wager on dogs at Romani Ranch's dog track, and answer a Keaton's trivia questions, which Tails had no relations to. Sadly, he and Sonic were the last to arrive to the Astral Observatory, but not before getting one last goodbye to Lucina who was thankful to have Sonic as a friend and the two were sure to see each other again someday. Oh, and the Mess Makers won. Forgot about that.
End recap
Lisia: And now, we have 11 teams remaining. Which one of them will go down next? Who knows? I'm Lisia, and it's time to get ready for more of...the Ridiculous Race! (winks)
Episode 30: Shake A Leg
"Here we are, once again, at the Astral Observatory of Clock Town in Termina where yesterday's winners, the Mess Makers, are getting ready for the first tip of the day," said Lisia.
The Inklings were so excited to get ready for the next leg. Lucina was still down about Sonic being eliminated.
"I still can't believe that Sonic's gone, dad. We had so much in common," said Lucina.
"Well, I wouldn't say that. But you two definitely had something special," said Chrom. "And don't forget, now we have a new target in mind."
"And we have to do our best," said Lucina.
"So, Luigi, now that we got this far, are you ready to go all the way?" Mario asked.
"I sure hope so. We can't give up now," said Luigi.
"This is where the competition heats up even hotter than my Shoryuken," said Ken.
"Then we'll just have to make sure that we get a good distance from last place," said Takamaru.
"Hey! What's the hold up back there?" Archie asked.
"Keep your shirt on, pal!" said Orange.
She pressed the button on the Lissi Box and it read,
"Peak into the observatory's telescope, and you'll be going to the Shake Dimension,"
Shake Dimension
"The Shake Dimension is a dimension that is kinda like ours, only things really tend to shake up a lot there. And I mean a lot. There are rare treasures, rare species of enemies, and little pixie creatures that are not seen outside our world ruled by a just queen...who Wario ditched in favor of their treasure. And this telescope will lead them to it," Lisia announced.
She looked into it and was pulled in herself.
"A magic telescope?" Blue asked.
The Mess Makers looked in and were pulled in. One by one throughout the rankings of yesterday's leg, the teams were pulled into the telescope to some new dimension.
Commentary: Old Schoolers
Mr. Game & Watch: We took one look in that telescope, and the next thing we knew, it was like seeing through a warp pipe style kaleidoscope.
ROB: The probability of actually happening in real life are -60%.
End commentary
The teams all soon found themselves out of their dimension and into that of the Shake Dimension.
"Whoa...check out the place," said Mario.
"It's like our world...but with lots of treasure," said Luigi.
"But I don't see the Lissi Box anywhere in this place," said Diddy.
"I think it might be over there," said Lip.
They rushed over to it and picked up the tip.
"Okay, tippy, what have you got for us today?" Duck asked.
"It's an Either/Or. Chests or Change?" Dog read.
Lots of treasure chests were inside a giant pyramid and there was a room full of keys. There were also a few sacks of coins and a couple of golden enemies.
"In this either/or, the players options are to either open a treasure chest of their choosing as we hid a tip in each and everyone of them or shake up a bunch of bags of coins until they have obtained at least 50,000 of them. They can even shake golden enemies to get a ton of gold coins and up to their total much faster. To unlock the chests, they need the keys that make a rattling sound when shaken. Find the key or get coins, and your tip will be received from the chests or sacks that lie in wait," Lisia explained.
"We're going with Chests," said Mario.
"Chests," said Lucina.
"Chests," said Blue.
"Coins," said Ken.
"Coins," said Rosalina.
Hunter and Hunted
Knight Family
Unlikely Duo
Mario Bros
Mess Makers
Primate Pals
Karate Partners
Japan Exclusives
Old Schoolers
Mother and Child
They all ran up to the different keys and bags and started shaking just about everything they can.
"Money money money!" said DK.
"If Wario were here, he'd so say that," said Diddy.
Commentary: Primate Pals
DK: With my heavy muscles and Diddy's agility, we'll have those bags spewing out change in no time.
End commentary
There were a couple of golden enemies walking about.
"Hey! There's a golden one we can shake!" said Isaac.
He used his Lift Psynergy and then had it shake up a lot of the golden enemies for tons of coins.
"Wow! We're gonna be at our total in no time!" said mia.
"This is easier done than said," said Isaac.
In the pyramid, the others were trying to listen for a rattle.
"No," said Luigi.
"That's not it," said Orange.
"Don't hear anything," said Archie.
"Uh-uh," said Dog.
"Way off," said Chrom.
Then, Lucina and Duck heard some.
"Eureka! Found one!" said Duck.
"Let's go!" said Dog.
Just then, a Crobat came by and took Lucina's key.
"Hey!" said Lucina.
It was Maxie's Crobat, nonetheless.
"We'll be taking that off your hands," said Maxie.
"That's not fair! I had it first!" said Lucina.
"You forget, we're doing all we can to win," said Archie.
"I hope you get penalized for this!" said Lucina.
Duck and Archie opened up the chests. They got a Dragon Whisker and a Pink Diamond. And their tip.
"Here it is," said Archie. "It's a Botch Or Watch. Sub-Zero."
Out by the sea there were eleven subs.
"In this Botch or Watch, the teammate who was Mushroomized and needed their mushroom removed from them in Eagleland must dig for some treasure below the Creep Blue Sea and make it out without their sub getting totaled. I don't think I will say what happens if it gets totaled," Lisia explained.
Maxie couldn't believe what he say.
"Wait a minute! I'm gonna have to do this one?!" Maxie complained.
"Hey, I'd do it, but I don't want us to get penalized again after what happened when you took over the Landmaster in Corneria," said Archie.
Maxie was just absolutely distraught about this.
"Fine. I mean, we did have to steal a sub from the Oceanic Museum's scientist in order to get to Groudon's resting place anyway," said Maxie.
"I've never been in a sub before," said Duck.
But he knew what he had to do.
Meanwhile, Isaac and Mia got their coins in and were given the sack with their tip.
"We got it right here!" said Mia.
They got their tip and saw what was gonna happen.
"Looks like this is all me," said Isaac.
"Good luck in there," said Mia.
Maxie could relate to how Isaac was gonna be in the sub. Meanwhile, Lucina was looking for another key.
"Here's another one!" said Chrom.
"Good. We really need to catch up to those big cheaters," said Lucina.
They opened up the chest and got Santa's Sleigh and their tip. Chrom was gonna be in charge of this one.
"Got one!" said Luigi.
They opened up the chest and received Nine Winks and their tip.
"Brother, have you ever driven a sub before?" Mario asked.
"First time for everything," said Luigi.
The Mess Makers got their key and opened up a chest with a Star Hammer in it.
"Here's our treasure and tip," said Blue.
"Cool! I'm gonna drive a submarine!" said Orange.
The other teams cashed in all their coins.
"That took a bit longer than we thought," said Lip.
"But at least we're done with this part," said Ryu.
They got their tip and saw who was gonna be doing it.
Sub Divers
Diddy Kong
Mr. Game & Watch
Inkling Girl (Orange)
"And so, the subs have taken a dive. Who's gonna be diving into deep trouble and who will dive to some riches? Find out when we return to...the Ridiculous Race!" said Lisia.
Commercials; continue
The subs were diving down deep.
"The submarines are already making their way through the Creep Blue Sea and nothing but little sea creatures seem to be getting in their way," Lisia announced.
"Uh-oh. Better use the heavy artillery," said G&W.
He fired torpedoes right at the sea creatures and shooed them off. Diddy saw some treasure and picked up some Blue Coral.
"This looks like something unlike any other," said Diddy.
"I got a pearl!" said Lip.
Maxie saw he was falling behind and decided to shoot at some of the subs. But he made it look like an accident.
"Whoops!" he said.
The torpedo fired and almost hit them.
"What was that?" Lip asked.
"I think I might know," said Isaac.
"Sorry. Finger slipped," Maxie fibbed.
Commentary: Unlikely Duo
Maxie: Of course, it's a lie they may not buy. But I can't make it look intentional, can I?
End commentary
Luigi was feeling a bit nervous and saw the boss at the end of the area. It looked like a giant mech that was firing all sorts of enemy subs and torpedoes with spiked platforms.
"This doesn't look good," he said.
There were also air jets that fired at the subs and brought them close to the spikes.
"Come on! Don't go down like this!" said Isaac.
He tried to get up, but his sub got embedded by the spikes below and it totaled his team's sub.
"Aim for the open hatches!" said Ken.
"Roger," said Ryu.
They fired away and blasted at the core and the mech was down.
"We made it," said Lip.
Isaac's sub seemed to be the only one that got badly damaged.
Commentary: Adepts
Isaac: Remember what Lisia said about what she doesn't even want to mention if the sub got totaled?
Mia: We may find out soon enough.
End commentary
Everyone got their treasure out of the Creep Blue Sea and set it down.
"So, did you all enjoy your little expedition in the wild blue?" Lisia asked.
"It was...something we'll never forget," said Lip.
"Definitely something I'll remember," said Orange.
"Now that you have your treasure, there's just one last thing you gotta do," said Lisia.
They pressed the button on the Lissi Box and got their tip.
"All-In: Merfle Marathon," said Mario.
Many Merfles were caged up.
"These little pixie creatures known as Merfles are all caged up and you have to shake up the cages until they can burst free. And then, they will give you the signal you can go when you free them. Then you must use the Max Fastosity Dasherator to make your way to the end of the course at our Safety Zone. The last team to arrive may be cut from the race," Lisia explained.
"Let's get shaking!" said DK.
They all grabbed a cage and started shaking like crazy.
"Come on, you! Break open!" said Ken.
"A little harder," said Ryu.
They gave it as big a shake as they could give it and then broke it free. The Merfle gave the thumbsup.
"You can go!" he said.
"Great!" said Ken.
They rushed over to the Daserator and hopped right in. Then they came bursting out with insane speed.
"WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS?!" Ken shouted.
Commentary: Karate Partners
Ken: Take the idea of running on hot sand barefoot while being chased by a pack of rabid dogs. That's how fast we were running.
End commentary
Donkey Kong and Diddy were the next to break it open.
"All done!" said the Merfle.
"Good! Let's shake a leg!" said DK.
"Was that a pun for this episode?" Diddy wondered.
"Maybe," said DK.
The other teams got their cages to burst open.
"You're all ready!" said the Merfles.
"Let's get a move on now!" said Maxie.
"Move it move it move it!" said Orange.
Lucina looked at the Dasherator and sighed.
"It reminds me so much of Sonic," she said.
"Forget about that and hop in!" said Chrom.
He pulled her in and they took off dashing.
The Karate Partners were making a ton of jumps and turns that were hard to make out at first but they eventually got the hang of. Then they ducked right underneath a narrow passage and found themselves coming to a screeching halt right onto the carpet.
"Karate Partners! Congratulations! You're in the lead!" Lisia announced.
"Thank you," said Ryu.
"About time we won again," said Ken.
Just then, the Adepts came rushing in and coming to a stop.
"Adepts, I have good news and bad news," said Lisia.
"Here it comes," said Isaac.
"The good news is you're in 2nd place. The bad news is it won't be that way for long because you wrecked your sub in the Creep Blue Sea, so I have to give you a 10 minute penalty," said Lisia.
"Oh, man," said Isaac.
"With all the other teams rushing here, it could pretty much be over," said Mia.
The others were indeed rushing there as fast as they could. Donkey Kong and Diddy swung across some vines while Maxie and Archie were pulling a rickshaw for a Peek-A-Boom at Mount Bighill. Lucina and Chrom slipped on the ice at Slipshod Slopes.
"HOW DO YOU HIT THE BREAKS?!" Lucina cried.
Mario and Luigi were coming up to a really long chasm at Mt. Lava Lava, not the one from Lavalava Island when Mario was freeing the Star Spirits, and had to jump over there. Of course, with Luigi being the better jumper, he barely made it while Mario was holding onto his life.
"Luigi!" Mario cried.
"Bro?" Luigi asked.
He turned and saw it.
"BRO!" he panicked.
He came to a screeching halt and went back for his brother.
"No way am I letting you go!" said Luigi.
He pulled Mario back up before the lava could get them.
"Thanks, Luigi. I didn't think you'd leave without me," said Mario.
"Of course not, Mario. You're my brother. Family is more important than anything else," said Luigi.
"Well, we can still make it if we hurry," said Mario.
Of course, they had quite a narrow passage they could have breezed through if they could just still dash.
"This could take a while," said Mario.
Commentary: Mario Bros
Mario: The sacrifice Luigi made could cost us, but I am still thankful for his rescue.
Luigi: Nothing's gonna tear us apart.
End commentary
Duck Hunt arrived in 2nd after going through Just Plains.
"Duck Hunt: 2nd place," said Lisia.
"Great!" they cheered.
The other teams were still making their way, but the Adepts still had 3 minutes on their penalty left. The Inklings arrived after going through Bad Manor. Maxie and Archie just passed It's All Mine and arrived.
"Inklings: 3rd. Maxie and Archie: 4th," said Lisia.
5th Place: Knight Family
6th Place: Japan Exclusives
7th Place: Old Schoolers
8th Place: Primate Pals
Only a minute remained. Just then, Rosalina and Luma had just gotten out of Glittertown and made it to the carpet just in time for 9th place.
"9th Place: Mother and Child," said Lisia.
"Oh, that is a relief," said ROsalina.
"Come on, Luigi! We're almost there!" said Mario.
They squeezed through the tight narrow gap.
"Here come the Mario Bros..." said Mia.
It looked like it could be it for the Adepts.
"And only 10 seconds left," said Isaac.
"It's coming close..." said Lisia.
Just as the Mario Bros were close to making it before the penalty was over, they had a run in with a few Pitchforks that came charging at them, forcing them to jump over them.
"And Adepts, your penalty is over!" said Lisia.
The Adepts got onto the carpet and reached 10th Place. The Mario Bros barely missed it.
"No..." said Luigi.
"Mario and Luigi, the Mario Bros who have been the best known characters of all time by Nintendo, I am sorry to say this. But you are the last to arrive. You are...out of the race..." Lisia lamented.
"Oh, bro! I'm sorry I wasted our time to slow us down," said Luigi.
"No, Luigi. I need to work on my jumping a little more. Let this be a learning experience," said Mario.
"If you say so," said Luigi.
"Do not worry, Mario and Luigi. Surely, Luma and I can have a chance of winning this," said Rosalina.
"Are you sure?" Luigi asked.
"We can do it!" said Luma.
"And it could be either me or Mia as well," said Isaac.
"You just head on home and we'll take care of the rest," said DK.
"You can depend on us," said Diddy.
"Alright. Luigi, we're going home," said Luigi.
They were ready to head on off for home.
"And so, we have narrowed it down to 10 teams: the Karate Partners, Japan Exclusives, Mother and Child, Primate Pals, Knight Family, Old Schoolers, Hunter and Hunted, Mess Makers, Adepts, and Unlikely Duo! Which one of them will start off at the bottom of the top 10? Find out next time on...the Ridiculous Race!" Lisia signed off.
Mario and Luigi's Highlights
Mario: So ends our little journey throughout this big race. It was the furthest we got together, and maybe in the future, we could go all the way.
Luigi: Of course, today is not our day. But that doesn't mean that our day won't come.
Mario: We hit a few snags, but we're gonna take that into account for another day and prepare for anything in future reality shows.
Luigi: That's right! Next time, the Mario Bros are gonna shine brighter than any star in the sky!
Mario: You can count on that, brother!
End highlights
They stepped right into the gateway that would take them back to their dimension and the Mushroom Kingdom.
"So, what's next on our to-do list?" Luigi asked.
"Didn't I tell you already? We've been called in to be contestants on the newest season of-" Mario was about to answer. But the gateway's door closed behind them before he could say what show it was gonna be. For the viewers, it was a mystery.
Fade out
Equestria Girls In The House Episode 11 Preview
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*Their ride was then riding away.*
AppleJack: Welp, we’ve got a day to ourselves. What should we do first?*A montage of the girls going on differen...
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As Logan slowly opened his eyes a little, he immediately saw a blinding gleam of sunlight pouring in through the blinds of his bedroom window and then promptly shut his eyes again in a brief moment of disgruntled annoyance. He slowly rolled himself over onto his other side to face away from the light; a maneuver that actually required a bit of effort given how big he is; and made sure his blanket was snuggly wrapped all the way around him from his toes to his neck. With no bothersome sunlight on his face now, he was free to continue laying comfortably in his bed…the wooden frame of which had long since broken in half under the boy’s immens...
Continuing on with the race, we make it all the way to the Shake Dimension, where our racers must get a little bit of a shaky greeting and do all sorts of tasks like shake up some keys until they find a rattle and open chests or shake golden enemies for their money, ride a submarine with their team logo and search for treasure without their sub getting wrecked, and racing all the way from a Max Fastosity Dasherator to the Safety Zone. Things are really gonna shake up now!
-Duck Hunt (Hunter and Hunted)
-Mario and Luigi (Mario Bros)
-Mr. Game & Watch and ROB (Old Schoolers)
-Rosalina and Luma (Mother and Child)
-Ryu and Ken (Karate Partners)
-Isaac and Mia (Adepts)
-Inklings (Mess Makers)
-Maxie and Archie (Unlikely Duo)
-Lip and Takamaru (Japan Exclusives)
-Chrom and Lucina (Knight Family)
-Donkey Kong and Diddy (Primate Pals)
32nd Place: Orbot and Cubot (Bot Buds)
31st Place: Francis and Tiptron (Perfect Chemistry)
30th Place: Duon and Galleom (Subspace Generals)
29th Place: Dribble and Spitz (Taxi Drivers)
28th Place: Pikachu and Meowth (Cat and Mouse)
27th Place: Brighton and Twila (Night and Day)
26th Place: Bowser and Bowser Jr. (Father and Son)
25th Place: Simon and Maria (Vampire Hunters)
24th Place: Olimar and Alph (Delivery Boys)
23rd Place: Popo and Nana (Ice Climbers)
22nd Place: Plusle and Minun (Superchargers)
21st Place: Fox and Krystal (Sly Foxes)
20th Place: Wario and Waluigi (Troublemakers)
19th Place: Pac-Man and Yoshi (Gluttons)
18th Place: Peach and Daisy (Crowned Cuties)
17th Place: Wii Fit Trainer and Little Mac (Fitness Nuts)
16th Place: Mega Man and Roll (Robot Siblings)
15th Place: Kirby and Meta Knight (Star Warriors)
14th Place: Pit and Palutena (Godly Duo)
13th Place: Ness and Lucas (PSI Pair)
12th Place: Sonic and Tails (Best Buddies)
11th Place: Mario and Luigi (Mario Bros)
-Duck Hunt (Hunter and Hunted)
-Mario and Luigi (Mario Bros)
-Mr. Game & Watch and ROB (Old Schoolers)
-Rosalina and Luma (Mother and Child)
-Ryu and Ken (Karate Partners)
-Isaac and Mia (Adepts)
-Inklings (Mess Makers)
-Maxie and Archie (Unlikely Duo)
-Lip and Takamaru (Japan Exclusives)
-Chrom and Lucina (Knight Family)
-Donkey Kong and Diddy (Primate Pals)
32nd Place: Orbot and Cubot (Bot Buds)
31st Place: Francis and Tiptron (Perfect Chemistry)
30th Place: Duon and Galleom (Subspace Generals)
29th Place: Dribble and Spitz (Taxi Drivers)
28th Place: Pikachu and Meowth (Cat and Mouse)
27th Place: Brighton and Twila (Night and Day)
26th Place: Bowser and Bowser Jr. (Father and Son)
25th Place: Simon and Maria (Vampire Hunters)
24th Place: Olimar and Alph (Delivery Boys)
23rd Place: Popo and Nana (Ice Climbers)
22nd Place: Plusle and Minun (Superchargers)
21st Place: Fox and Krystal (Sly Foxes)
20th Place: Wario and Waluigi (Troublemakers)
19th Place: Pac-Man and Yoshi (Gluttons)
18th Place: Peach and Daisy (Crowned Cuties)
17th Place: Wii Fit Trainer and Little Mac (Fitness Nuts)
16th Place: Mega Man and Roll (Robot Siblings)
15th Place: Kirby and Meta Knight (Star Warriors)
14th Place: Pit and Palutena (Godly Duo)
13th Place: Ness and Lucas (PSI Pair)
12th Place: Sonic and Tails (Best Buddies)
11th Place: Mario and Luigi (Mario Bros)
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