Dan-the-artguy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dan-the-artguy/art/G-1-Breakdown-210261820Dan-the-artguy

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G-1 Breakdown



It's that Botcon time of year again, so I'll start showcasing some of the upcoming prints I'll have at my artist alley table at Botcon this year. The first is a recolor (thanks to Josh Perez!) of an exisiting piece for Breakdown's G-1 color scheme.

Jack Angel, the voice of Breakdown in the original Transformers cartoon, will be a guest at Botcon this year so making this 'autograph ready' print seemed timely.

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417x660px 99.85 KB
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Phenometron's avatar
Breakdown is truly the only nervous one in the Stunticon bunch. Alan Oppenheimer, aka Skeletor of "Masters of the Universe" fame, went on to voice Breakdown for a few episodes of "The Transformers." He also voiced Autobots Warpath, Seaspray, and Beachcomber, too.