DamselStock's avatar


Once Upon A Stock...
Deviations are on the horizon
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Artist // Professional // Digital Art
ValentinesDay2021: Participated in Valentine's Day 2021 campaign
Cupid: Participated in the Valentine's Day 2022 Campaign
Deviously Devoted: Someone is your fiendish fan! 😈 (1)
Whipped Cream: Someone loved your perfect bake! (3)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
My Bio

I'm a 34 year old Jewish professional digital artist & photomanipulator from Houston, TX.

Be sure to check out my art account, CaseyBelle!
My art is centered around fairytales, general fantasy, historical figures and couples, various cultures and religions both past and present, paranormal themes, fanart, etc... There is bound to be something you like!

I use stock religiously with the type of art that I create. Because I use stock from so many wonderful, talented & generous Deviants I decided to give back to the stock community which has been a G-d send for me. Thus, my stock account began in May of 2009.

If you need to reach me for any reason and do not want to or cannot use dA notes you may email me at
[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Love Letter by Gasara DamselStock@gmail.com


Journal Graphic-Bar 1 by Momma--G:flagus: Journal Graphic-Bar 1 by Momma--G

Most of the men in my family have been in the military. I love Marines, Soldiers, Seamen, Airmen, and every man/woman in uniform. I support every single member of our troops. I lost a Marine sniper in Iraq a while back, he was a dear friend.

If I find anyone who is disrespectful to the ones who give you your freedom I will call you on it and you shall regret it.

My Mother: :iconsewfulcreations: SewfulCreations
My Nephew: :iconsinisterseth: SinisterSeth

Types of stock you will find in my gallery include, but are not limited to:

[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Heart Bullet by Gasara male child stock - clothed/costumed and reference based
[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Heart Bullet by Gasara male stock - clothed/costumed
[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Heart Bullet by Gasara landscapes -
[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Heart Bullet by Gasara animals - domestic, farm/ranch, captive (zoo) & wildlife
[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Heart Bullet by Gasara antiques - furniture, objects, ephemera
[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Heart Bullet by Gasara room interiors
[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Heart Bullet by Gasara exterior buildings
[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Heart Bullet by Gasara ruins, decay & urban exploration (UrbEx)
[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Heart Bullet by Gasara old and historic cemeteries and gravestones
[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Heart Bullet by Gasara transparent PNG's
[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Heart Bullet by Gasara Judaica and Jewish items
[-ai- ROMANCE] Light Pink Heart Bullet by Gasara textures

Awards and Dedications

:thumb463501896: Terrible by XxFallen94xX:thumb434477641::thumb364433475::thumb455020397: Vintage Typewriter Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Flamingo Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Extraterrestrial Life Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Nightowl Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Books Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Pyjama Days Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Iced Tea Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Birds Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Earth Science Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Palaeontology Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Love imagination stamp by Mel-Rosey Universe Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Understand Your Camera Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Vintage Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Extinction Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Sonic Screwdriver Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Milkshake Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Stamp - GIYF by firstfear

Stamp - Photoshop User by firstfear Stamp - Illustrator User by firstfear Stamp - Camera User by firstfear Stamp - Tablet User by firstfear Stamp - Mouse User by firstfear


FYI- I block ignorant and unintelligent people very often. If you are blocked from my page it is because you are a f*cktard.

“The world is but a canvas to the imagination.” - Henry David Thoreau

The owners and admins seriously need to just change the name of this place to DeviantAI since the only "art" you ever see posted anymore is from lazy, talentless hacks who think typing a one sentence prompt makes them an artist. It is absolutely disgusting and an insult to real, true artists that DeviantArt allows AI created crap to inundate the entire platform. First, DA annihilated the Stock Community by removing the Stock and Resources categories from the website, but now real artists are being forced out by idiots who are too damn lazy to learn how to create art on their own. Shame on all of you who rely on AI to be creative, and even more shame to those of you trying to sell your AI generated "art" because you do not even own the copyright. The majority of your "art" was stolen from real artists. You should be damned ashamed of yourselves for duping people who are uneducated about AI and trying to make a profit on something that you did not create nor own the rights to. This
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This right here is why Seth's photos are going into storage today. This comment was not even an hour ago. I am so fucking upset and angry that I am CRYING! What grown-ass man thinks comments like his are okay? Why on earth are there so many gay men who are so damn sick in the head that they think ogling, leaving inappropriate comments on their photos, flirting with, hitting on, "dating", "sleeping with" (and I use the terms loosely as it’s nothing more than molestation and rape) little boys younger than 18 is something they should be allowed to do. But this pervert's comment was the last straw for me. So, say goodbye to Seth's stock. I am so sorry to all of the legitimate artists who use his photos for their art. A certain community of people has ruined it for everyone. (And if you wanna keep what you ate in your stomach, do not look at this man's favorites... child porn everywhere.)
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Well guys, you can thank the perverts and pedophiles for me considering placing Seth's stock photos info storage. I had been in the hospital for a month and a half, and when I got home and logged into DeviantArt, there were over 5000 notifications saying Seth's stock was favorited. However, at least 95% of the favorites were his photos added to pornographic collections. Needless to say, I am beyond livid. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY Seth's photos are being added to pornographic collections with a huge majority being child pornography that DA simply refuses to do anything about. God knows that the LGBT(whatever the fuck else) community might get "offended" if you dare remove the massive amounts of photos showing nude preteen boys engaging in sexual acts--even if they are "simulated"--because they are trying to make "minor-attracted persons"--known as MAP--a legally accepted sexual orientation. You know what I say to that? Oh HELL fucking no! Pedophilia is NOT a sexual orientation. Pedophiles
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Profile Comments 1.1K

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nice collection I like your artwork!

Thx for the badge 🙏👍😎

Great collection of stock! I will be watching your pages to see what's new!

Hello, my dear! 

I ask you to pay attention to my gallery. Perhaps you will like it and you wish to be friends with me and follow me, my dear friend! You can always order a commission, or make a donation if you like what I do! In any case, I wish you a great day and good mood! Always yours, Anastasiya Kuncezva.

Happy Birthday :cake:  :party:
Happy birthday! :hug: