DamaiMikaz on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/damaimikaz/art/Lecture-725556195DamaiMikaz

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DamaiMikaz's avatar




In front of the lecture hall was Aiden Korovin. He explained the sheets projected on the board. Complicated formulas about energy, Masaru assumed. It might've been basic material for second year students, but Masaru didn't make much of it. It didn't help that he barely spoke Darkaian. Aiden had a pleasant voice. Calm but confident. There were about two hundred students in that room, but you didn't hear a single one of them. All them listened in awe.

This started as a simple doodle, but then I went all crazy on the colors.
The story is a lot of Aiden these days. He's an awful man, but I really like writing about him XD

Aiden from my Emion project. 
More about this character:
Come to the lab by DamaiMikaz  Studying by DamaiMikaz 

More from this project:
Fighting the mobs by DamaiMikaz  Party squad by DamaiMikaz  The twins by DamaiMikaz 

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baronbrrrrr's avatar
Just for the way he looks, I would listen in awe too. B-) (Cool) 
The lighting is really cool, especially on his cheek. :)