dalia on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dalia/art/photoshop-action-for-lineart-215689809dalia

Deviation Actions

dalia's avatar

photoshop action for lineart



Here's a photoshop action I use to separate scanned lineart from the background onto its own layer, so you can color underneath or whatever. Also useful for when you accidentally start a drawing on the background layer, d'oh.

I know there's probably a billion different tutorials and actions for this already, but this is what I use... so... maybe it'll be helpful to someone else, idk. :I

Before you use this:

- Save a copy first, just in case~

- Clean up your lineart to be black & white! This action won't make any adjustments for you, and I don't think it will work right with colored lineart.

- Make sure your lineart is on the background layer. It won't work right if the layer has transparent areas.

- It will make the lineart whatever color you have selected as your foreground color. Neat.

If you don't know how to use photoshop actions, click here for a tutorial. Actions are super useful!

Let me know if you have any questions/problems!
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