Batgirl pinup recreationdalgoda7 on DeviantArt

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Batgirl pinup recreation



Continuing my cover recreation studies of great artists & covers...These recreations are completely hand-drawn with ink on Bristol board with the exception of the Comics Code stamp when applicable (hehe).  Logos & trade dress drawn with Pitt pens, French curve, circle templates, and a ruler.  Artwork re-pencilled with a lightbox and then inked freehand with a Raphael 8404 sable brush.

In this case, an excerpt from the cover of Detective Comics #359, the first appearance of Batgirl. This pose was used for many assorted promotional items like cups and glasses after being used for her debut.

The original art was created by Carmine Infantino, copyright DC Comics. 

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2000x2730px 715.52 KB
© 2025 dalgoda7
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NRGComics's avatar

She is my absolute favorite partner to Batman!