Flag of Neigh Orleansdalea1 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dalea1/art/Flag-of-Neigh-Orleans-214579143dalea1

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Flag of Neigh Orleans



Before the rise of the royal pony sisters, Equestria's southernmost large city was the capital of a country known as 'France'. This, combined with it's proximity to the land of the zebras and the large minority zebra population that has resulted, has given it what polite manehattenites and canterloters refer to as an 'interesting' culture. The annual Mare-di Gras festival is popular with tourists and locals alike, while the city's fashion scene is dominated by traditional "french haute-couture", a style that is rare in the rest of the country.
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750x450px 22.46 KB
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koach2's avatar
i'll be using this, if you don't mind...