Dal-Adoptables on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dal-adoptables/art/Dessert-Gem-Reveal-04-Rainbow-Roll-Spinel-1086111448Dal-Adoptables

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Dal-Adoptables's avatar

Dessert Gem Reveal #04 Rainbow Roll Spinel



This Dessert Inspired Mystery Gem was claimed by the wonderful @Music54

I had a lot of fun drawing them! Hope you enjoy them too!

♥If you want to purchase a Aesthetic Custom, please note me♥

This Gem is from this batch:

[2/3 OPEN! + Accesory ] Fancy Dessert Spinels #02
Image size
3400x3300px 4.48 MB
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sunflowergirl15's avatar

So cool!

My first thought was that she looked kinda like a 1950s soda jerk, never mind that she's a baker, and the colors and accessories look way more 1980s