dAKirby309 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dakirby309/art/RELEASED-PREVIEW-3-Simply-Styled-Icon-Set-610070197dAKirby309

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[RELEASED] PREVIEW #3 - Simply Styled Icon Set



This update is released and can be downloaded now by clicking on one of the following links:

:bulletpurple: Premium: fav.me/d7rmp7a
:bulletblue: Free: fav.me/d7rmhyo

Here's a preview of a handful of the icons in a coming update to my Simply Styled Icon Sets!

Check out Preview #1:


Check out Preview #2:


This will be yet another huge update to the set! However, there will most likely be more updated designs to pre-existing icons rather than new icons this time around!

FYI Some of these icons are bound to be changed/improved before the final release. (Such as the Wordpress icon and one of the Netflix icons - they still need some work)

:bulletorange: This update will include new iconsnew filetypes, updated icons and filetypesa more consistent style, and larger elements to make them easier to see at smaller scales.

Please feel free to give questions or concerns regarding the icons made thus far. If you'd like any of these icons in the preview changed, let me know!
Image size
3124x1954px 1.47 MB
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