Dakari-King-Mykan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dakari-king-mykan/art/MBPSFM-Grand-Celestial-Ruler-500925199Dakari-King-Mykan

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MBPSFM: Grand Celestial Ruler



Originally posted: June 2, 2014

When Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia merge together (In form of magical fusion) They become this colossal creature of unbelievable power, and only used in severe emergenies (Such as fighting giant monsters, or vast armadas) They are really THAT powerful!

Kind: Celestial Humanoid Being

Gender: Unspecified (Part male and Part Female)

Occupation: Defender of the Dimensional Universe

Eyes: Light Brown

Hair: Golden Blonde

Skin: Pale flesh

Magic Aura: White with a slight hint of gold

Voice: Michael Mikulak and Nicole Oliver (dual voiced)

Image size
1992x1626px 470.81 KB
© 2014 - 2024 Dakari-King-Mykan
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What is their move Mystic Light? Some sort of advanced Uniforce? It doesn't really have any explanation- this all-powerful move that kills Titan (well, temporarily) out of nowhere, utterly surpassing the already-established super move. So what is it?